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Madeline Crawford and Jeremy Whitman novel Chapter 150

Chapter 150

Jeremy felt a dull ache in his heart instantly. His eyes were so wide that they looked like they were going to fall from his sockets. “What do you mean by you tried your best?” he questioned. Those were the words no family member would want to hear.

The doctor looked at him and sighed. “It’s a miracle that the patient was able to live until this day. My condolences.”

He would not accept this result no matter what.

He wanted Madeline to be alive.

He wanted her to be alive so that she would be able to hear him tell her the truth.

“I took a look at this patient three years ago. Back then, she was pregnant and I asked her to abort the child. However, she insisted on giving birth to the child. I think that child was more important to her than her own life. Now that she’s gone, the child would be able to live for her. I think that’s some kind of consolation.” A female doctor chimed in at one side. After Jeremy heard that, he almost could not breathe.

That child.

He had crushed that child into dust with his own hands.

That child was their own flesh and blood, but its soul was destroyed by him, the father.

Why was his heart hurting so much? Jeremy felt as if he was going to go crazy.

He ran to the operating theatre. Madeline was still on the operating table.

He walked toward her slowly. He felt his footsteps getting heavier as he approached her.

Finally, he got to the operating table. Madeline was in front of him, but he felt like they were separated by a never-ending stretch of mountains and seas.

Her face was pale. She was not breathing and she did not have a heartbeat. She was like a lifeless doll that had fallen asleep forever.



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