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Madeline Crawford and Jeremy Whitman novel Chapter 158

Chapter 158

Madeline could see Meredith’s cracked smile from underneath her sunglasses.

She walked over while remaining calm and collected. She could feel the eyes of everyone in the room glued on her.

Back then, she did not know how to put on makeup or doll herself up. She did not even know how to walk after putting on high heels.

At that point in time, she was an ugly duckling that even a beggar would look down on.

However, everything was different now.

Every dog had its day. Ten years later, Madeline Crawford was not who she was back then.

Madeline smiled sweetly while sitting in an empty seat behind Meredith in a calm and composed manner.

Jeremy’s eyes were on her the entire time. Until now, he was still looking at her.

When Meredith noticed that Jeremy’s attention was on Madeline, she clenched her fists in anger.

Jeremy was indeed moved by that b*tch Madeline. If not, why would he stare at her just because she looked similar to Madeline?

Madeline noticed Jeremy staring at her. Perhaps, this was the gaze that she had longed for the most back then, but now, she did not care.

After she sat down, Madeline heard whispers from all around her.

“Who’s that woman? Is there someone like her in our circle?”

“Look at her bracelet and necklace. Those are from the latest Miss L.ady collection. Only their honorary members are allowed to buy them.”

“I think this woman is someone extraordinary. I wonder what she looks like. She’s so mysterious with her sunglasses.”

“Mysterious? Pah! Those might even be fake. She probably wormed her way in here to get a free meal! The star of today is Jeremy Whitman’s fiancée, Meredith. Everyone knows that Jeremy will surely get the shop today because he wants to give it to Meredith as her birthday present!”

Madeline only smiled lightly when she heard those voices of suspicion.

After a while, the auctioneer arrived. After some opening remarks, the auction started officially.

The item of the auction was a shop on First Crystal Street. The base price was five million dollars.


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