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Madeline Crawford and Jeremy Whitman novel Chapter 172

Chapter 172

Madeline got on a taxi at the side of the road before leaving immediately. As she looked at the signs on the road, the words ‘April Hill’ hurt her eyes.

She suddenly felt that the cleanliness in her heart had been polluted.

How filthy.

When Jeremy finally caught up, he did not see Madeline at all and only saw a car moving along the roads of April Hill in the distance.

His mood sank again, sinking into the sea next to April Hill.

‘She’s gone.

‘She left three years ago.’

He reminded himself again, but he had never accepted that fact in the first place.

“Jeremy, what’s wrong?” Meredith hurriedly ran after him, not understanding Jeremy’s actions or expression.

Jeremy glanced at her, his voice sounding distant. “Get in the car.”

Meredith hurriedly got into the car. Her show had concluded, and she planned on cashing in on it.

“Jeremy, it’s my birthday the day after tomorrow. I’m actually quite content just being by your side, but Jack is growing up. He’s starting to understand a lot of things, and I’m worried that others will call him a b*stard, so… let’s get married.”

Jeremy suddenly lifted his foot off the gas pedal and shot a distant gaze at Meredith’s tearful eyes. “Can you give me an honest answer to my question?”

Meredith was quite shocked by Jeremy’s gaze, but on the surface, she maintained her innocent facade. “Jeremy, I’ll tell you everything you want to know.”

“Did you know before I did that Madeline was pregnant?”

She did not expect that Jeremy would ask that question. A look of shock flashed across Meredith’s face, but she quickly shook her head.


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