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Madeline Crawford and Jeremy Whitman novel Chapter 198

Chapter 198

Meredith returned to the Montgomery household with a belly full of anger. Seeing her return, the housekeeper poured her a cup of tea and brought her a plate of snacks.

“What’s wrong, Miss Meredith? Here, have some fruits to chase away the anger.” The housekeeper fawned over her smilingly.

“Who are you to poke your nose into my business?” Meredith rolled her eyes, displeased. “Where’s my mother?”

The sound of a car drifted in from the door after she asked, and the housekeeper shot a gaze toward the door. “I believe Madam is back.”

With that, Meredith immediately stood. “Tell my mother I’m in my room when she asks.”

Giving the order, she picked up her bag and rushed up the stairs.

The housekeeper acknowledged and stared at Meredith’s retreating figure with hatred in her eyes.

“You’re Brittany’s indirect killer, Meredith Crawford! Brit would still be living happily and easily as the oldest daughter had you not suddenly appeared and stole her spot!”

Having said that, she sensed Eloise’ steps approaching.

“Where’s Meredith, Diana? Is she back yet?” Eloise’s voice drifted over.

While the housekeeper was around Eloise’s age, she was no match for the other in terms of physique or temperament.

Turning around to face Eloise, she replied respectfully, “Miss Meredith has just returned. She should be in her room.”

Eloise nodded and turned to walk up the stairs with a smile.

“Look what Mom got you, Meredith? Only my daughter is worthy of such beautiful jewelry in all of Glendale. With this, I’m sure you’ll become the center of everyone’s attention during the Whitman Corporation’s 50th anniversary celebration.”

Eloise spoke while she walked into Meredith’s room. Stepping inside, she dropped the jewelry box in shock at the scene within the room.


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