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Madeline Crawford and Jeremy Whitman novel Chapter 219

Chapter 219

In the crowd, there was suddenly an overly familiar voice that came from nowhere.

Madeline’s heart was in her mouth all of a sudden and her heartbeat also increased. Yet, her face revealed no reaction. She walked toward Jeremy without even a single ripple.

“Mr. Whitman, did you deliberately bring me here for breakfast?” She smiled, the morning rays after the rain falling on her immaculate and delicate face, shining beautifully.

Jeremy seemingly glanced in a certain direction, then nodded. “Won’t my future aunt-in-law show deference in a public setting? Or are you worried that Uncle Felipe will be jealous?”

“Why would Felipe be jealous because of such a thing?” Madeline smiled calmly, but her heartbeat was erratic.

She could still hear that familiar voice calling out ‘Maddie’ again and again.

That voice, accompanied by rapid footsteps, got closer and closer.

However, she just calmly followed Jeremy’s footsteps to the breakfast shop.


At last, just when Madeline was about to step into the breakfast shop, the person in front of her held her hand tightly.

“Maddie! Maddie! It really is you!”

Ava held Madeline’s hand tightly with excitement. Her tears were like a broken dam, cascading down from her eyes without restraint while smudging her delicate makeup in no time.

“Maddie?” Madeline raised her eyebrows in confusion. “Could it be that you’re Madeline Crawford’s old friend and you also think that I’m her?”

Hearing Madeline’s answer, Ava’s tearful eyes whirled from shock.

“What do you mean ‘think’ of you as Madeline? Maddie, what on earth happened? Why did you show up here?”

Ava had many questions, but in the end, it was incomparable to the surprise of seeing Madeline at this moment.

She spread her arms around Madeline excitedly, feeling the realness of her friend’s flesh and blood. Ava’s voice trembled. “Maddie, it’s really you! That’s great! You’re still alive!”


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