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Madeline Crawford and Jeremy Whitman novel Chapter 221

Chapter 221

Just as an accident was about to occur, Jeremy reached out and grabbed Madeline’s wrist, pulling her into his arms with all his might.

The car that ran the yellow light whizzed past Madeline’s side.

As Jeremy had been too forceful, he lost his balance and fell backward. The person in his arms fell to the ground with him, leading to a heavy crash.

“Don’t be afraid, it’s alright now.”

Madeline vaguely heard Jeremy said.

She wanted to get up but was enveloped tightly in Jeremy’s embrace. His right hand was pressed on the back of her head as though it was a subconscious act of protecting her.

Madeline just lay on Jeremy’s body. Her nose picked up the unique fragrance on his body. It was a familiar scent in her memory.

She felt her heartbeat and breathing going a little erratic. She did not know if it was the shock from almost being hit by a car just now.

When a breeze blew over, Madeline recovered her heartbeat and breathing. “Mr. Whitman, you can let me go now.”

Upon hearing her voice, Jeremy seemed to return to his senses.

He slowly loosened his clasped hands and recalled how he had called her ‘Madeline’ just now.

“Thank you, Mr. Whitman.” Madeline stood up and thanked him.

Jeremy also stood up. Looking at the unscathed lady in front of him, he was inexplicably relieved.

Madeline wanted to find a reason to leave as soon as possible, but then she saw Jeremy’s palm bleeding.

Fresh blood had oozed out once again from the place where she bandaged him last night.

Madeline took out the disinfectant wipes from her bag. She held Jeremy’s palm and casually treated his wound. Then, she wrapped it gently with a handkerchief.

Jeremy stayed still, watching Madeline carefully treat his injury.

He looked at her delicate eyebrows that looked serious. Her eyelashes fluttered gently, like small feathers falling on his heart, leaving invisible scratches after.


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