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Madeline Crawford and Jeremy Whitman novel Chapter 235

Chapter 235

Madeline saw Jeremy hesitating for a while. In those two to three seconds, she did not know what he was thinking about. However, after a while, he looked at her with a complicated look in his eyes before rushing over to Meredith.

He knelt and pulled the seemingly unconscious Meredith into his arms.

“Mer, Mer, wake up.”

He patted Meredith’s cheek lightly with worry in his eyes.

Madeline held the breakfast in her hands as she stood at the entrance. When she saw what was happening in front of her, she smirked sarcastically.

‘Jeremy, you never disappoint me.

‘You’re still so concerned about that woman.

‘Despite all those horrible things she did, she’s still the love of your life?’

At this moment, Meredith opened her eyes slowly in Jeremy’s arms. They were brimmed with tears as she looked at him pitifully.

“Jeremy, I was wrong. I know my mistakes. Please don’t leave me, okay?” Meredith said weakly as tears started falling from her eyes.

“Jeremy, did you forget? You promised that you’ll take care of me forever. You said you’ll be good to me forever. My only wish in life is to marry you and become your bride. I want to be with you forever, Jez…”


As she listened to Meredith, Madeline tightened her grip on the breakfast she had prepared.

She looked at Jeremy and saw him frowning. His expression looked solemn as if he was thinking about something.

“Jez, can you forgive Linnie? I’ll listen to you in the future. I won’t do anything impulsive…”

Meredith called herself Linnie and started calling Jeremy Jez. She was looking at him with so many emotions in her eyes.

Her acting skill was getting better and better. It was so good that even Madeline started to feel a pang of pain in her heart.

Heh, what an amazing Jez.


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