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Madeline Crawford and Jeremy Whitman novel Chapter 252

Chapter 252

Felipe was wearing a fitting tailored suit, looking elegant and smart. At this moment, there was anger in his eyes. It was the opposite of his usual calm and graceful face with no emotions.

“Apologize to my fiancée now, or else, it won’t be as easy as just a lawsuit.”

“…” The woman did not know who Felipe was, but she was horrified by the coldness coming from his eyes.

Madeline walked over to Felipe and grabbed his arm naturally and intimately. “It’s fine, Felipe. I don’t need a hypocritical apology. It’s enough that everyone knows that I’m innocent.”

“How can I let that happen?” Felipe looked at Madeline gently. “I won’t let anyone bully or tarnish your name. I won’t allow it even if it’s one word.”

His defensive words were filled with the overprotectiveness of a boyfriend.

Madeline looked into Felipe’s eyes. Perhaps it was the lighting, but she saw deep love and overbearingness that she had seen before in his eyes.

Her heart raced. Before she could say anything else, she saw a few younger socialites blushing when they saw Felipe.

Perhaps they were melting at what he said just now.

Meredith was extremely jealous of what she was seeing right now.

She already despised this woman who looked exactly the same as Madeline. Tonight, she had wanted to see Madeline making a fool out of herself, but she did not expect such a plot twist!

“What are you waiting for? Are you going to apologize only when we’re at the police station?” Felipe asked in a cold voice.

That woman trembled after she saw Felipe’s icy gaze. She apologized hurriedly and frantically. “I-I’m sorry! I made a mistake! I’m sorry for wrongly accusing you!”

It had been three years.

Madeline did not expect that she would one day get this woman’s apology.

However, if Jeremy had not been so heartless back then, she would have gotten this apology three years ago.


The readers' comments on the novel: Madeline Crawford and Jeremy Whitman