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Madeline Crawford and Jeremy Whitman novel Chapter 254

Chapter 254

“Mom, you have to believe me. That video isn’t real!” Meredith looked at Jeremy’s mother after she said that. “Mrs. Whitman, you should know what kind of person Madeline is. Why would I want to harm her? She’s not someone who’s upright anyway!”

“Mer, don’t cry. I believe you.” Eloise chose to believe Meredith without even hesitating. Then, she looked at Madeline and Felipe with hatred in her eyes. “Felipe, you’re falsely accusing my daughter in public to ruin her reputation. I won’t let you get away with this so easily!”

“Your daughter?” Felipe snorted. “Just because she’s your daughter, you’re willing to turn a blind eye even if she has done something so heinous?”


“You can see it in the video clearly. Everyone here would know if it’s fake. Meredith, you said this video was taken recently, so let me ask you this. Even if Vera was impersonating Madeline in the video, then who’s that woman who looks exactly like you? Plus, who’s impersonating those guests and Jeremy’s mother?”

“…” Meredith parted her lips and said nothing when faced with Felipe’s questions.

She could not find any excuses to mislead the people here anymore.

The reason was that Felipe was telling the truth.

“Enough!” Eloise glared at Felipe. “Madeline stole Mer’s boyfriend and kept hurting her again and again. She deserved what happened to her. It has nothing to do with my daughter! She deserved to be wrongly accused. Who told her to have such a bad personality?”

“So I guess the truth isn’t important to you, Mrs. Montgomery. The most important thing is that everything your daughter did is right and justifiable, is that so?” Madeline’s melodic voice sounded.

Eloise peered at her in contempt. “What does this have to do with you?”

“It has nothing to do with me. I just pity Madeline. She’s dead and she still had to carry the burden of such a heinous crime.” Madeline lamented as she stared straight at Eloise.

“Mrs. Montgomery, you’re so protective of your daughter, but have you ever considered that Madeline also has parents? If her parents find out about the grievances she had suffered, how heartbroken they would be? Or perhaps, Mrs. Montgomery, you can put yourself in their shoes. If Madeline was your daughter—”

“I don’t have such a shameless daughter!”

Eloise’s words felt like a sharp knife slicing Madeline’s heart.


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