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Madeline Crawford and Jeremy Whitman novel Chapter 261

Chapter 261

Madeline looked at the man who had emerged from the crowd and she could feel her spirit leaving her body.

She had not seen him for three years, but the person in front of her was still bright-eyed and handsome. There was an added sense of maturity that was not there before on his sharp features.

He walked toward her, her face reflecting in his onyx-like eyes. There was an unspeakable joy and surprise in them.

“Maddie, it is you…” Daniel looked at her intensely, his voice still as gentle and warm as the spring breeze.

“I’m sorry. I’m not Madeline Crawford.” Madeline lifted her eyebrow in annoyance. “If you guys are just here to see if I look like Madeline Crawford, then please leave. I have a business to run,” she said coldly before turning around. When her face was out of Daniel and Ava’s sight, she lowered her gaze.

‘Ava, Dan, I’m sorry. Please forgive me for my cruelness.’

“Maddie!” Ava did not give up and grabbed Madeline’s hand. “Maddie, why have you become like this? You’re my Maddie. Why do you want to pretend to not know me?”

Ava was emotional. After she said that, she pointed at Daniel.

“You say you don’t know me, but what about Dan? Do you not know him as well? Have you forgotten how Dan treated you back then?”

Madeline lifted her head and scanned the handsome and kind Daniel. “If you guys still refuse to leave, I’ll ask someone to kick you out.”

“Maddie.” Daniel walked in front of Madeline. His gentle eyes landed on her face as usual. There was deep emotion in his eyes, but he was suppressing it.

“It’s good to see you again.”

He said that sentence so softly, but it was evident that he was genuinely happy.

Madeline felt an ache in her heart. She could feel tears pricking the corners of her eyes. She forced herself to smile coldly.


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