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Madeline Crawford and Jeremy Whitman novel Chapter 274

Chapter 274

He came back to his senses and saw Felipe walking over to him.

Madeline walked past him, and her faint scent lingered in his nostrils. She smelled so sweet and had a unique scent to her.

“Jeremy.” When Felipe saw Jeremy, he greeted him naturally.

He was always so poised and refined, looking like a gentleman in his every move.

Jeremy looked at the two of them as they held hands. He just glanced at them coldly.

Madeline looked at Jeremy and turned around to smile at Felipe. “Felipe, let’s go in.”

“Okay.” Felipe smiled softly, holding Madeline’s hand as he led her into the living room.

Jeremy’s mother was on a call. When she saw Madeline and Felipe walking over hand in hand, she rolled her eyes in contempt before hanging up.

“Oh, Felipe, you’re here,” Jeremy’s mother said in a strange voice. Then, she looked at Madeline from the corner of her eyes. “Say, are you really going to marry this woman?”

Felipe smiled. He was being extremely polite. “As my elder, I hope you can have some respect. The woman you’re talking about is my fiancée.”

“Hmph.” Jeremy’s mother scoffed. When she saw Jeremy, she quickly walked over to him. “Jeremy, did you hear that? Are you seeing this? Your uncle is going to marry someone who looks like your ex-wife! How interesting!”

She deliberately spoke in a louder voice so that Old Master Whitman could hear them as he was walking downstairs right at this moment.

“Felipe, it’s no wonder you were always so concerned about Madeline every time you came back. You had feelings for her back then, right? So the moment she died, you searched high and low for a woman who looks like her as her replacement. You’re really something else.”


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