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Madeline Crawford and Jeremy Whitman novel Chapter 281

Chapter 281

“Pfft.” Madeline burst out laughing. “The woman you love the most is your ex-wife Meredith? Mr. Whitman, this joke isn’t funny at all.”

Madeline was laughing, but there was a dull ache in her heart.

That bloody wound was still causing her to be in pain without showing any signs of relenting. When she recalled those scenes from the past, there was only blood and tears.

However, what had he said back then? Did he say that he loved her?

If the opposite of love was hate, then he had indeed ‘loved’ her. He even ‘loved’ her to death!

When he looked at the sarcastic smile on Madeline’s face, Jeremy smiled superficially. “You’re right. It’s just a joke.”

He was laughing at himself, but deep within, his heart was as painful as if it had just been cut by a knife.

It was exactly like a joke. It was so pathetic that he almost did not believe himself.

However, this was already an undeniable truth.

“Well, the joke’s over. I should go now,” Madeline said in a cold tone. Then, she pulled her hand away from Jeremy’s hand without hesitating.

However, when she turned around, Jeremy walked in front of her.

“Do you have anything else to say to me, Mr. Whitman?” Madeline asked calmly.

“I said you can call me by my name when we meet.” He looked at her. “You should think about what I said to you after you go back.”

He meant their marriage.

Madeline was feeling more and more confused about this man. “Jeremy, why would I marry you? Won’t you think about the ex-wife who you despise so much when you look at my face? Won’t you feel disgusted? Or perhaps you’re a masochist?”

Jeremy raised his eyebrow slightly. “Just think of me as a masochist, then,” he said while opening the door of the passenger seat.

“It’s too secluded here. I’ll drive you home.”

Madeline looked at the unreadable smile on the man’s handsome face. Then, she turned around and got into the car.


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