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Madeline Crawford and Jeremy Whitman novel Chapter 290

Chapter 290

“Have fun, Vera Quinn! They’re not bad!”

“Have you no shame, Meredith Crawford?”

“Hahaha… Maybe if you begged, I might have thought about letting you go. Too bad though, if you’re going to be so stubborn, then you can just die!” Meredith’s eyes hardened as an evil smile appeared on her bandaged face.

Madeline refused to allow Meredith to hurt her anymore, especially not before she took revenge for all Meredith did to her back then.

Watching the four men approaching her, Madeline slowly raised her fists.

She would fight to the death before she let herself fall into the hands of these men.

When her eyes fell on a wooden stick by the wall, she dashed to pick it up before anyone could stop her.

“Oh? What a feisty one. I like it.” The scarred man smiled wretchedly with a hand rubbing his chin as he stared disapprovingly at the wooden stick in Madeline’s hand. “I’d stop fighting back if I were you, beautiful, lest you suffer unnecessary beatings for your misbehavior!”

Madeline walked toward the scarred man with a mocking smile gracing her alluring features. “The one you should be worried about is yourself!”

“Hahaha…” The scarred man roared with laughter. Ignoring Madeline’s threat, the three other thugs joined in.

Right then, Madeline raised her foot and kicked the scarred man between his legs!

“Ow!” The scarred man wailed! Clutching his manhood, the man rolled around the floor in agony. “B*tch! I want this chick destroyed! Make her pay!”

“Yes, Boss!” The thugs complied. To prevent further mishaps, one of them took out the chloroform spray and aimed it to Madeline’s face.

Madeline ended up breathing some of it in before she could stop herself. Its chemical scent immediately plunged her into a dizzying state.

Madeline quickly held her breath, but she had already begun to see stars in her vision. The few wretched men’s smiles split into many and each was coming at her while surrounding her tightly.

Madeline felt her legs give. Even after using the stick to hold herself up, she could not block out the abominable laughter from around her.


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