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Madeline Crawford and Jeremy Whitman novel Chapter 306

Chapter 306

Felipe turned around a few seconds later, concern tinting the gentleness on his chiseled features that were enhanced by the warm rays of the setting sun.

“I just want to ask you one last time, Vera. Are you sure that this is what you want? It wasn’t easy escaping the claws of a monster. Are you sure you want to be caged by him again?” His tone was warm like the winds of spring, but in his eyes held a fierce glint.

Madeline hesitated for a confused moment before a revengeful flare shone in her eyes.

“I can take the pain and humiliation they gave me, but I’ll never forgive the two of them for teaming up to destroy the ashes of my precious child. The death of my child is something I must avenge!”

Madeline balled her fists as hatred imprinted itself deeply onto her gentle features. There was a sharp and strong-willed look swimming in her eyes.

After being gifted with rebirth, taking revenge was the top goal that gave her the determination to continue living!

Felipe did not persuade further as he took in the determination in her eyes.

Instead, he raised her hands to place a gentlemanly and loving peck at the back of them.

“Promise me that you’ll take care of yourself no matter what. Should any problem arise, I want you to look for me.”

Madeline was stunned for a moment and the cold anger in her eyes slowly melted away under Felipe’s gentle warmth.

She broke into a smile, locking gazes with the glistening eyes in front of her.

“Thank you, Felipe. I promise I’ll come back to you after I take my revenge, then we’ll go back to F Country with Lillian where we’ll live simply and happily together.”

“Alright.” Felipe smiled faintly, pulling Madeline gently into his embrace.

With her warm figure held close, the corners of Felipe’s lips lifted vaguely. He was hiding a dark secret within.

Satisfied, Meredith began to live in Jeremy’s villa. Her attitude toward Jackson had undergone a complete 180 change to persuade Jeremy into marrying her. She would go to great lengths to pretend and fake how close and intimate their mother-son relationship was.


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