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Madeline Crawford and Jeremy Whitman novel Chapter 316

Chapter 316

Madeline reached out and pushed him away just in case, but Jeremy did not let go of her. He took off his shoes and stepped into the bathtub while hugging her.

Madeline was surprised that Jeremy actually made such a move.

Cold, flowing water was continuously falling from the shower. It quickly wetted his clothes.

Yet, he was unmoving and was as steady as a rock. He hugged her, letting the cold water soak through his body…

As time passed, Jeremy, who sat behind Madeline, was gradually losing his focus and blankly staring at the familiar appearance. He involuntarily hugged her a little tighter.

“Madeline…” he could not help but whisper softly.

Madeline suddenly opened her beautiful eyes that were gradually recovering consciousness. Cold water droplets dripped from her curled eyelashes, falling silently on the back of her hands.

Although Jeremy’s voice was inaudible, Madeline heard it.


‘What intimate affection. Jeremy, I used to wish you could call me like that.

‘But all those expectations and wild wishes of mine have long been torn to pieces along with my heart. They can no longer be put together.’

The next day, Madeline woke up and found herself sleeping on Jeremy’s bed. Much to her surprise, the clothes she was wearing had been changed. She was now wearing a loose bathrobe and was naked inside!

She got up suddenly and saw the obvious mole on her slightly exposed left chest. She quickly gripped the loose neckline.

What had happened?

When did she fall asleep last night? When did she change her clothes? She had no recollection of it at all.

If Jeremy had changed her out of her dress, then he must have seen the mole on her chest…


The door was pushed open just then and Jeremy walked in elegantly, already well dressed. He did not seem to be in the disoriented state he was in when he accompanied her in the bathtub last night. At this moment, he was charismatic—still the noble, elegant, and unattainable President Whitman.


The readers' comments on the novel: Madeline Crawford and Jeremy Whitman