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Madeline Crawford and Jeremy Whitman novel Chapter 336

Chapter 336

She walked over to take a look and saw that it was her diary. The page where it was on was filled with her past love and determination for him.

Madeline scoffed when she recalled herself back in the days. She was so stupid and dumb.

She grabbed the diary before turning around to leave. However, Jeremy pulled her back again.

Madeline stumbled and fell on the floor, crashing into Jeremy’s firm chest.

His eyes were dazed, but he was still looking at her emotionally.

“Don’t go, okay? Don’t leave me again.”

“Jeremy, let me go. I’m not the person you’re thinking of.” Madeline struggled to escape, but Jeremy simply smiled and stared straight at her. He was hugging her even tighter now.

Madeline could not escape from his grip no matter how much she struggled.

He was pressed up against her lovingly before eventually falling asleep.

Madeline was sweating from all her struggling. However, she still did not manage to escape from him. In the end, she also closed her eyes and fell asleep in exhaustion.

The first ray of sun shone into the room, waking Jeremy up with a frown. He opened his eyes and saw the woman who was in a deep slumber in his arms. He lifted his hand and caressed her beautiful eyebrows, nose, and lips.

His fingers traveled along her face before stopping at the opened collar of her shirt.

Madeline was woken up by a strange sensation. Upon opening her eyes, she was met with Jeremy’s icy ones.

“I’m sorry I did something inappropriate to you again last night,” he said. “Don’t worry, I’ll take full responsibility.”

“By taking responsibility, do you mean you’ll marry me?” Madeline sat up slowly. “I’ve already said that I won’t marry a man who doesn’t love me.”

“What if I say I do love you?” Jeremy stared straight at the stunning face in front of him. “Give me some time. I’ll settle the wedding preparations.”

He promised without even giving her the chance to reject.

Madeline’s final goal was to marry Jeremy. However, she did not expect it to happen so soon.

Even though she did not know what Jeremy was thinking about, she was sure that he had fallen for her.

After she went back home, she told Felipe about her progress.

Felipe looked at her and said the same thing. “Vera, I hope you can think about this clearly.”

“I must marry him,” Madeline said firmly, “I’ll only be able to make him pay the worst price like this. I want him to never have any peace, be it in his relationship or career.”


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