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Madeline Crawford and Jeremy Whitman novel Chapter 350

She could not reciprocate Felipe’s feelings even though he was such a nice gentleman. After seeking her revenge, the only thing she could give him was mutual respect and a promise to accompany him.

The next morning, Felipe received a phone call and went out.

After Madeline bathed Lillian, the doorbell rang.

To her surprise, she saw Jeremy standing at the door looking travel-worn when she opened the door.

When he saw the look of surprise on her face, Jeremy walked in front of her. His eyes were solemn when he suddenly reached out his hand to pull her into his arms.

Madeline was shocked. “Jeremy?”

“I miss you so much.”

He answered her and held her even tighter. It was as if she would disappear from his world forever if he let go.

He would not allow her to disappear.

There was a sarcastic smile on Madeline’s face.

‘Jeremy, we literally have the same face. Back then, you would look at it in disdain, but now, you’re missing it so much?


‘How preposterous.

‘How would I forget how you left me so many scars on my body with no mercy?’

Madeline held Jeremy while she faked being touched. “Jeremy, I miss you too…”

When he heard her response, he opened his twinkling eyes and tightened his grip on her.

She did not want to let Jeremy come in, but at this moment, Lillian walked in.

When she saw Jeremy, she was delighted.

“Hello, nice mister. You’re Jackie’s daddy. I remember you!”

When Jeremy saw the tiny human in front of him, he felt a gush of warmth in his heart. He squatted and caressed Lillian’s cheek.

“I remember you too, little Miss Lillian.”

Madeline froze when she was pouring a glass of water.


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