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Madeline Crawford and Jeremy Whitman novel Chapter 355

Chapter 355

The moment Madeline came back to her senses, Jeremy led her out of the door.

Madeline was curious when she looked at his profound gaze.

Where was he taking her?

Meredith stayed in the guest room for some time before she heard the sound of a car engine.

She looked out from the balcony and saw Jeremy driving Madeline away.

She grabbed her bag while mumbling curses. Then, she called a car to go back to the Crawford family home to discuss her next move.

After getting more information from Meredith, Rose and Jon started screaming profanities at Vera. Then, there were looks of worry on their faces.

“How dare that btch slap you?! She even barged into the house to steal Jeremy from you! She’s even more despicable than Madeline! Trust that I’ll rip her into pieces with my bare hands!” Rose glared and clenched her fists angrily. “Mer, is that woman carrying Jeremy’s child? If it’s true, then you should kill that bstard child immediately!”

“Of course, I know that!” Meredith already had a plan for this. “But it’s like Jeremy’s been possessed. He’ll listen to everything that b*tch says!”

“Why?” Jon was curious.

Meredith gritted her teeth and said reluctantly, “That b*tch Madeline is dead, so he has placed all of his longing and love on Vera instead!

“Jeremy only cared about me the most this entire time. However, now that the b*tch is dead, he told me that he has never loved me. He only has the innocent fondness of when he first met me when we were kids toward me. Hmph, fondness? That fondness is also toward Madeline and not me!”

When Rose saw Meredith shaking from anger, she came up with a plan. “Mer, don’t be mad. Don’t you have another bargaining chip at hand?” She lifted her eyebrow. “That brat Jackson is the best bargaining chip now.”

“That b*stard child?” Meredith asked in disdain. “I should’ve strangled him to death back then! He’s just a sore sight now.”

“If he’s such a sore sight, you should make him disappear! However, you have to push all the blame on that wh*re. That way, you’ll be killing two birds with one stone!”

When Meredith heard that, there was an extremely sinister glint in her eyes.

“Mom, you’re so smart. There’s a parent-child hike this afternoon. That b*tch Vera will definitely show up. That’ll be such a good opportunity!”

There was an evil smirk on her face.

She was an expert in shifting the blame to others after killing someone!


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