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Madeline Crawford and Jeremy Whitman novel Chapter 36

When Jeremy asked that question, Madeline could already predict the answer.

Indeed, the nurse on the other end of the phone denied it. “What? Lung cancer? Aside from his mental health, his body is very healthy. How would he get lung cancer? You must have made a mistake.”

After she said that, Madeline felt her body temperature plummet.

Before Jeremy hung up the phone, the nurse said, “You said he’s missing just now? He did disappear for some time before, but he said his niece told him to hide because she’s playing hide and seek with him.”

When she heard this, Madeline understood everything.

Grandpa was not sick and he was not kidnapped. Meredith was the one who plotted all of this!

“Maddie, I understand now. You deliberately asked your grandpa to hide so that you can frame me for kidnapping him.” Meredith gained the initiative by striking first. She started crying tearfully. “Maddie, why’d you do that? I always saw you as my biological sister. How can you do this kind of thing to frame me? Even if you hate me, you can’t joke about your grandpa’s life!”

“Why are you still asking her? This b*tch wants to use this opportunity to make Jeremy hate you!” Rose cooperated in the act. “Madeline, you’re so despicable! The Crawfords raised you and funded your university fees. How dare you bite the hand that feeds you? Not only did you steal Mer’s boyfriend, but you even used these kinds of despicable tricks. You’re so inhumane!”

The mother and daughter duo said simultaneously, placing all of those groundless crimes on Madeline.

Madeline felt lifeless all of a sudden. She knew that she did not need to explain anymore. Meredith had set this trap especially for her.

Even if she explained until her mouth broke, the man in front of her would still not believe her.

Despite that, she was still hopeful toward Jeremy. “Jeremy, I don’t care if you believe me or not, but I’ve never done those despicable things.”


After she said that, Madeline received a slap across the face. There was blood on the corner of her lips.


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