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Madeline Crawford and Jeremy Whitman novel Chapter 383

Chapter 383

When Meredith heard that Madeline had more evidence, Meredith started to panic.

“Your Honor, don’t trust this woman. She’s trying to frame me! I’m being falsely accused by her!” Meredith pointed at Madeline and shrieked emotionally. “I’m really innocent, Your Honor!”

“Defendant, please calm down. If you continue to make noise, the court will charge you with contempt of court,” the judge said seriously.

“…” When she heard this, Meredith shut her mouth quickly.

However, she was nervous. She did not know what Madeline’s solid evidence was.

At this moment, the police brought Jon and Rose inside.

Meredith looked at Jon and Rose anxiously. She knew something was not right.

Just as she expected, Jon and Rose were testifying against her in court!

“Your Honor, my adopted daughter, Meredith Crawford, was indeed the person who planned this. She was discussing this with us at our home,” Rose said. She did not dare to look Meredith in the eyes.

Jon made a full confession at one side as well. “We wanted to stop Meredith, but she did not want to listen. She said Vera Quinn stole her man and she had to teach her a lesson. She bribed some thugs to kidnap her son so that she could blame it all on Vera Quinn. Then, she decided to kill Vera Quinn and end things once and for all in a blind fit of rage.”


Meredith widened her eyes in shock. She almost started vomiting blood from anger.

“You two…” Her chest was heaving violently. “You two are crazy! How can you say something like that?”

Rose and Jon looked at her nonchalantly. “Mer, now that it has come to this, we can’t wrongly accuse the innocent anymore. Vera is truly innocent.”

“…” Meredith was so angry that her entire body was shaking.

Although she had indeed planned to get rid of Jackson and Madeline, this idea was given to her by Rose.

Now, there were witnesses and evidence present. Meredith did not have any more comebacks. Even if her lawyer was glib-tongued, he would not be able to turn the circumstances around at this stage.

Plus, Meredith was indeed guilty.

The judge quickly came up with a verdict—12 years of prison time.


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