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Madeline Crawford and Jeremy Whitman novel Chapter 386

Chapter 386

He approached to support a panting Eloise lovingly. “What happened, Elosie?”

Eloise’s eyes were red as he pressed a hand above her aching heart. “I just found out that Meredith… She… She was never our daughter…”

“Wha-What are you talking about?” All color drained from Sean’s face.

Sean felt his body shiver as Eloise retold the entire incident.

With Eloise in tow, they went to talk to Meredith again, but it was to no avail as she refused to speak.

Meanwhile, Rose and Jon were nowhere to be found. They had seemingly vanished into thin air.

The two returned home in the end, the emptiness of the huge villa suffocating them.

Eloise searched through Meredith’s room for a lead, but all she could find was the gold pendant she had made years ago for their newborn.

The name ‘Eveline’ could still clearly be seen on the pendant.

The afternoon sun was bright, a stark contrast to the gloom over Eloise and Sean’s heart.

Eloise’s heart clenched painfully as tears streamed uncontrollably down her cheeks.

Not even Sean’s comforting words could bring an end to her tears.

While Sean was not doing any better, there seemed to be a glimmer of relief within him.

He was relieved that such a wretched woman was not their daughter. He was relieved that their daughter was still alive.

Knock, knock, knock. A maid suddenly knocked on their room door. “Sir, Madam. Mr. Whitman and Ms. Vera are here.”

Eloise and Sean immediately lifted their heads, the former’s eyes flaring with a prayer of hope. “Perhaps Vera would know something.”


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