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Madeline Crawford and Jeremy Whitman novel Chapter 39

The baby in her child would be able to wear these no matter what their sex was.

Madeline was about to pay for the clothes. However, when she turned around, she saw Meredith.

It seemed as if she was alone. She had a sinister smile on her face. Madeline wanted to walk past her, but Meredith stopped her.

“Maddie, you’re in so much trouble and you’re still in the mood to shop? Aren’t the police looking for you?”

Madeline was confused about what she was talking about. Then, Meredith continued. “You’re such a character as well. It’s fine if you don’t have talent, but why did you plagiarize other people’s work? The company, Minora, is suing you for ruining their company’s name. Plus, they’re also suing you for breaching their intellectual property rights. If you’re convicted of this crime, you’re going to jail.”

Madeline was puzzled. The company that Meredith mentioned was the company that entrusted her to design the couple rings.

However, that was her own creation. She never stole any designs, so how was this plagiarism?

“Meredith, stop spewing nonsense! You’re ruining my reputation by slandering me like this.”

“Maddie, stop pretending. This is not the first time you did something so heinous,” Meredith said with pity.

Madeline did not want to fight with Meredith anymore. She had been at the losing end a few times. She did not want Meredith to have any chance of framing her again.

However, it was as if Meredith knew that Madeline wanted to leave, so she grabbed her hand hurriedly and said in a gentle but loud voice, “Maddie, I know you hate me, but please don’t kill my child. Come at me if you want revenge. The child is innocent!”

This again.

Madeline had fallen for it the first time, so she would not allow Meredith to set her up again.

However, Meredith was even more devious than Madeline imagined. She pulled Madeline’s hand and swung it all of a sudden. Then, she fell backward as if she had lost her balance.


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