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Madeline Crawford and Jeremy Whitman novel Chapter 392

Chapter 392

Yet here they were, with Jeremy happily bringing her through Whitman Manor’s doors.

Perhaps this was what people meant by the future was unpredictable.

Mrs. Whitman, Karen Yaleman, immediately rushed forward to ask when she realized that Jeremy had arrived. “Is it true, Jeremy, the things I read on the internet? Did Meredith actually do all those things? Is she sitting for 12 years? Did she actually pretend to be the Montgomeries’ daughter too?”

Jeremy frowned in displeasure. “I don’t want to hear her name anymore.”


“I’m here today for my fianceé to meet my parents. I’d appreciate it if you didn’t speak of depressing names and things,” Jeremy interrupted coldly before lowering his gaze to look at Madeline. “My mom made these dishes herself. I hope you’ll find them to your liking.”

“What?” Karen’s expression darkened instantly. “You told me we had an important guest over tonight, Jeremy. You even told me to make the dishes myself! You’re telling me it was for this woman?”

Madeline quirked a delicate brow and smiled lightly. “It’s nice to see you, Aunty.”

“Well, it’s not nice to see you, you witch!” Karen spared Madeline a disdainful glance. “Looking at you kills my appetite!”

“Vera will be your daughter-in-law soon, so would you please not use such a sharp tone?” Jeremy asked distastefully.

Mrs. Whitman paused before huffing and marching to Mr. Whitman. “Do you see this? Your son’s gone mad! I can’t believe he brought home a woman who looks exactly like his ex-wife. Why divorce that b*tch anyway if this is the case?”

That b*tch.

Madeline’s eyes flinched as she pursed her lips while taking in Karen’s insulting label for her.

Jeremy’s patience was running thin. “If you don’t want this daughter-in-law, then you can say goodbye to having this son as well.”

“…” Karen’s expression froze. Seeing Jeremy pulling Madeline toward the door, she frantically composed herself and hid away her targeting words as well as attitude. “Forget it, forget it. Meredith’s had her fun already, not to mention that she’s been pretending to be the Montgomeries’ daughter this entire time. You don’t love her anymore, right? Then Mom won’t care anymore. Be with whoever you want.”


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