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Madeline Crawford and Jeremy Whitman novel Chapter 396

Chapter 396

“Ava’s been in a car accident. It’s not pretty. She wants to see you one last time before she goes.”

Madeline’s footsteps halted as her heart began to thrum erratically.

Taking a deep breath, she had a feeling that this could be a test from Daniel and Ava.

How could Ava suddenly get into a car accident? No way, she would definitely be alright!

Madeline thought to herself quietly as she stared at Daniel in annoyance.

“I don’t know this person you speak of. Please leave me alone.”

She hurriedly made her way off, but her heartstrings were pulled taut in her chest.

Daniel’s gaze was sorrowful as he stared at Madeline’s decisively retreating figure. “Do you have to be so heartless, Madeline? Ava was your best friend. Do you want her to leave the world without closure at all?”

Madeline heard Daniel clearly for she had not made it too far when he spoke. However, her heart was adamant.

Still, Madeline trembled as she took out her phone to inquire the moment she turned a corner.

They told her that a lady by the name of Ava Long had indeed arrived at the emergency room due to a car accident.


Madeline’s heart raced.

Hailing a taxi by the side of the road, she immediately made her way to the hospital Ava was admitted to.

Madeline arrived at a private hospital room after asking around the hospital staff.

The door was open, but she found herself not daring to walk in.

She was afraid to see what Ava would look like all injured.


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