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Madeline Crawford and Jeremy Whitman novel Chapter 49

Madeline’s eyes became dispirited. She could clearly see the ring Meredith was wearing and it was the very ring she had designed!

“Madeline, you’re talented. This ring looks nice. I like it, but most importantly, Jeremy was the one who put it on for me.”

She was flaunting her ring, her pride clearly written all over her eyes.

Madeline curled her fingers and held the phone that was recording a video the entire time tightly in her hand. She smiled as she gritted her teeth.

“Meredith, did you just admit to framing me for plagiarism even though I’m clearly the original creator?”

Meredith scoffed. “So what? Who’s going to believe you? Who are you to compete with me?”

“That’s enough.” Madeline tugged the corner of her lips and turned around after she said that.

When Meredith saw Madeline behaving weirdly, she could feel that something was amiss. When she finally realized what was wrong, Madeline had already gotten into the car.

After a while, a video went viral on the internet.

In the video, Meredith’s face was clearly in the shot and every word she said was genuine and sure.

Madeline saw that the netizens were shocked by this. Then, some of them were even outraged by the injustice she suffered.

She had been falsely accused the entire time.

After a while, the comments below started to get out of control.

They were all saying that Meredith was forced to do that. They said that Madeline caused her to miscarry and that was why she did that. That was why this was understandable and forgivable.

Compared to Meredith losing her child, what was Madeline being falsely accused of plagiarism?

Could it even compare?

Madeline closed her eyes. She did not only lose her reputation, but she also lost her precious daughter.


The readers' comments on the novel: Madeline Crawford and Jeremy Whitman