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Madeline Crawford and Jeremy Whitman novel Chapter 61

Chapter 61

She had to stay alive until the day Meredith got her retribution!

Madeline did not successfully leave Glendale. Jeremy would bring her back to Whitman Manor occasionally.

Old Master Whitman was weirdly fond of Madeline and was oddly kind to her. He even patted her shoulder and said, “This child looks so familiar. Do you think we were grandfather and granddaughter in our previous lives?”

To be honest, it was not only the old master who had this feeling, but Madeline also felt the same.

The moment she met the old master, she felt like she had seen him before.

Whenever Madeline went to Whitman Manor, aside from pretending to be gentle and kind to Jeremy, everyone was treating her as if she was an eyesore—especially Meredith.

Initially, she was able to kick her away and get the position of Mrs. Whitman successfully, but now, they could not get past Old Master Whitman. Getting the position of Mrs. Whitman now was as difficult as flying.

Monday afternoon, Madeline was looking for a job. Suddenly, she received Jeremy’s call. He told her that he wanted her to go to Whitman Manor with him tonight.

Before she could reject, he said, “I’m busy today, so I don’t have time to go pick you up. You should go over yourself, but before you go, remember to buy Grandpa the muffins that he likes.”

After interacting with the old master, Madeline also knew that he loved muffins, especially the ones from the shop on Cypress Road. Jeremy would buy some every time he passed that shop.

Madeline packed her things and took the subway to Cypress Road.

When she was about to leave after buying the muffins, she saw a familiar tiny figure in astonishment.

It was Meredith and Jeremy’s son, Jackson Whitman.

Madeline looked around and did not see Meredith. On the other hand, Jackson was looking around as if he was looking for someone.

‘Is he lost?’ Madeline thought. She saw a few passersby looking at him curiously. Some even went up to talk to him.


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