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Madeline Crawford and Jeremy Whitman novel Chapter 69

Chapter 69

Meredith stopped putting on her pitiful performance and looked at Old Master Whitman with an awkward expression on her face.

The old master’s face was solemn and his manner was imposing. “You’re a woman who meddled into another marriage and you even gave birth to a shameful illegitimate child with so much courage of your convictions. Not only are you not shameful about what you’ve done, but on the contrary, you’re proud of yourself. The Whitmans don’t have a granddaughter-in-law who doesn’t respect and love herself.”

“…” The corner of Meredith’s lips twitched as her fake gentle mask was about to crack.

Perhaps she had never expected herself to be such a character in the old master’s heart.

No wonder the old master did not like her.

Madeline saw Meredith clenching her fists. She was finding it difficult to keep up her act, and yet, she still could not drop her kind and gentle facade.

“Dad, you can’t say that. Madeline was the one who meddled in their business first. She’s the mistress! If she hadn’t come between them to plot against Jeremy, Mer and Jeremy would be married by now! Plus, she even kidnapped Jackson. You can’t ignore this!”

“I didn’t kidnap Jackson. I didn’t plot that thing three years ago as well. I’m the victim of that incident.” Madeline tried to explain.

Jeremy’s mother glared at her. “That Tanner guy has already admitted to everything about Jackson’s kidnapping incident and you have the audacity to say that you didn’t do it? You obviously plotted against Jeremy three years ago because you loved him for a very long time but couldn’t have him.

“If you didn’t plot against Jeremy, then why did he sleep with you? You guys were even photographed by the reporters. You planned everything! Madeline, you’re the most heinous and cheapest woman I’ve ever met!”

“Tanner was bribed into doing this. I don’t even know him.” When Madeline said this, she stole a glance at Meredith. After that, she looked at Jeremy. “Yes, I like Jeremy a lot, but I’ll never do such devious things to get a man just because I like him.”

She looked at Jeremy, her gaze magnanimous. Then, she smiled bitterly.

“However, I understand and see everything clearly now.”


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