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Madeline Crawford and Jeremy Whitman novel Chapter 71

Chapter 71

Due to the inertia, Madeline’s body flew forward. A sharp pain came from her stomach. Madeline curled up her body to try to relieve this pain, but before she could do that, Jeremy yanked her over to him.

His handsome face was not affected by his anger, and it was magnified in front of her.

Jeremy looked at Madeline with an icy glare. “So you’re admitting that you drugged me and climbed into my bed back then?”

Madeline looked at the face that she had loved for so many years and grinned.

“If you think I did it, then I did, Mr. Whitman.” She did not want to make too many unnecessary explanations.

However, Jeremy stopped in his tracks and looked at the grinning face that was before him. A similar grin appeared in his head, and the hand that was holding Madeline’s collar loosened. Then, after a while, there was a strong disgust in his eyes.

“How cheap.” He spat out the insulting words from his lips and pushed Madeline away.

Madeline felt a pang in her stomach and she frowned as she endured it. Then, she smiled profoundly at Jeremy.

“Yeah, I’m cheap. However, no matter how cheap I am, I’m still 1,000 and 1,000,000 times cleaner than the love of your life.”

“Shut up!” Jeremy roared as he interrupted her. “Are you trying to insult Mer again?”

“Heh.” Madeline laughed as she endured the pain. “Do I even need to insult an underaged girl who got an abortion after she got pregnant?”

After she said that, Jeremy put his hand around Madeline’s neck.

In that instant, Madeline lost the freedom to breathe freely.

“Madeline, say that again. Do you trust that I’ll strangle you to death right now?” Jeremy ground his teeth. His solemn eyes were staring at Madeline like he was about to devour her.

Madeline’s face was red, but she did not plead for mercy. “I’m going to say this anyway. Meredith Crawford is a first-class two-faced b*tch who pretends to be innocent and pure!”


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