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Madeline Crawford and Jeremy Whitman novel Chapter 79

Chapter 79

Madeline smiled. When she was about to leave, she saw Jeremy looking over at her. “Come have breakfast.”


Madeline stopped in her tracks in disbelief.

When had he ever talked to her in such a gentle tone and when had she ever eaten alone with him, especially when it was such a heartfelt breakfast?

“Madam, your breakfast is ready.” Mrs. Hughes smiled at Madeline benevolently.

After hesitating, Madeline walked over.

She looked at the dining table. There were bowls of cereal and plates of toasts along with some of Mrs. Hughes’ homemade bread. Madeline liked this spread of typical breakfast food.

“Sit here.” Jeremy pulled out the chair next to him.

Glancing at him, she said, “No, it’s too near. I’m afraid that I might dirty you, Mr. Whitman.”

Then, she sat down opposite Jeremy.

Jeremy’s face went dark immediately. It was as if a storm was coming.

Seeing this, she felt nervous. She lowered her head to eat her cereal and did not say anything.

Jeremy looked at her nervous face and scoffed. “You’re so unwilling to stay with your husband now. Can’t wait to see that man, huh?”

That man?

Madeline stopped in her tracks. She lifted her head in confusion and her eyes coincidentally met Jeremy’s.

“Madeline, didn’t you say you’ll only love me in this lifetime? Is your lifetime over now?”


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