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Madeline Crawford and Jeremy Whitman novel Chapter 99

Chapter 99

Hearing every word uttered from Madeline’s lips, Jeremy frowned, his heartbeat becoming very irregular all of a sudden.

“Jeremy, if you don’t kill me today, I will definitely kill you and avenge my child.”

Her clear eyes were as decisive as before.

Jeremy smiled nonchalantly. “I’ll be waiting.”

He stood up as he said it and then left just like that.

After watching that black figure disappearing gradually from her gaze, Madeline instantly seemed to have been drained of all her strength and blood as she leaned limply on her grandfather’s urn.

Warm tears once again overflowing but her heart was already numbed with pain.

However, it was not over as Meredith had suddenly appeared.

Meredith was holding a fruit knife when she saw Madeline lying on the ground while holding onto the urn. Meredith walked toward Madeline and then crouched down, reaching out to pull up her short hair.

“Tsk tsk, I told you not to go against me. Are you afraid now?”

Madeline sneered, no longer wanting to waste her breath and energy. “Meredith, you venomous woman, kill me if you have the guts!”

“Haha… you want to die? Oh, but I’m not so cruel.” Meredith pretended to chuckle. “However, Jeremy did say that you had ruined his precious son’s face, so I’d have to return the favor doubled.”

Accompanied by Meredith’s dark voice, Madeline’s suddenly felt a sharp pain on the right of her face.

Madeline trembled all over from this skin-splitting pain, but she made not a single sound, forcibly enduring the sharp pain.


Meredith threw the fruit knife in front of Madeline, then lifted her foot and kicked Madeline heavily.

“Bah! B*tch! You should have died long ago!” She then turned abruptly and left.


The readers' comments on the novel: Madeline Crawford and Jeremy Whitman