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Marriage Without Love: Sir, Please Stop novel Chapter 115

Chapter 115

In her field of vision, the scene inside the small wooden cabin was crystal clear: the room illuminated, with Bennett lying there, one leg exposed to the outside.

Catalina's eyes turned red at the sight of him.

She doubted that after tonight, they wouldn't have a chance to share such intimate moments again.

These past three days felt like a dream to her, a gift from a fairy godmother to Cinderella, transforming a pumpkin into a carriage, worn-out shoes into glass high heels, and elevating her from an ordinary girl to a princess.

However, as the clock struck midnight, she remained the same plain and ordinary Cinderella with nothing to hold onto.

Catalina, a humble girl, knew she could never become a princess or live happily ever after with the prince, as depicted in fairy tales.

Cruel reality could never metamorphose into a beautiful fairy tale.

Happy times always passed by fleetingly, and these three days seemed to vanish instantly.

Catalina and Bennett boarded a private plane back to Sayton.

Upon arrival, Bennett's car dropped Catalina off directly at the entrance of Pallwich International Community.

"Thank you," Catalina expressed her gratitude to Bennett as she prepared to open the car door and get out.

However, she soon realized the door was locked and couldn't be pushed open.

Meanwhile, the driver and Vincent had already left the car to help with the luggage, leaving only Catalina and Bennett in the car.

The atmosphere grew dense and tense, yet Catalina chose to feign ignorance. She spun around and asked Bennett with a smile, remarking, "Seems like the car door is locked. Could you help me open it?"

"Do you remember what I told you three days ago?" Bennett suddenly asked in a deep voice.

He looked out the window, brows furrowed, his gaze distant.

Catalina's heart tightened as she had intended to dismiss the matter altogether.

Catalina forced a smile, her mouth twitching slightly. "Of course, I remember. You said that after we return home three days later, we will act like the last few months never happened and have nothing to do with each other."

She repeated each of his words in full.

Her tone was casual as if she didn't give a care.

But deep down, only she knew that her heart had already been torn open when she uttered those words, causing it to bleed profusely.

Bennett's hand slowly clenched into a fist, veins bulging on the back of his hand.

After a few seconds, he gradually released his grip, averted his gaze, and turned to look at Catalina's face.

He gazed calmly at her.

"Congratulations, Catalina. You're free now," he said.

His last three words, "You're free," crashed onto Catalina's heart like sulfuric acid.

Agony, bitterness, and excruciating pain collided, corroding her entire being in an instant. The pain was so intense that tears threatened to well up in her eyes.

She hurriedly pushed open the door, only to discover it was unlocked.

She stepped out of the car, bidding her farewell without even bothering to turn back.

"Catalina!" Bennett called out to her, his voice low and hoarse, as if it emerged from the depths of an abyss.

Catalina stopped in her tracks.

Bennett went on to say, "Never let me see you again."

Catalina's heart ached even more intensely.

She turned her head away and managed a soft smile. "Alright then, let's never cross paths again..."

She hastily took the bags out of Vincent's hands and ran into the building, disappearing in an elevator without even stopping to say thanks.

Catalina's eyes welled up with tears, and they spilled over like a flood as soon as the elevator doors closed.


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