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Marriage Without Love: Sir, Please Stop novel Chapter 116

Chapter 116

For her, that place should be a dangerous place.

That was where Warren's parents lived.

And she was the chief culprit, who caused Warren to become a vegetable.

The couple must have been thinking every day about how to tear her apart.

"Ms. Grant, don't be afraid. I won't harm you. I am here because Mrs. Carolyn is inviting you to go to Sandal Villa."

Catalina's face turned pale.

Emery was completely clueless, "Lina, where is Sandal Villa? It sounds like a high-class place."

"Ms. Grant?"

Kyler reminded Catalina, who seemed to be in a daze.

Catalina took a deep breath, "Does Mrs. Carolyn mention why is she looking for me?"

"Mrs. Carolyn only said it's something good."

"Something good?"

"Something good?"

Would Bennett's mother look for her to talk about something good?

Catalina certainly didn't believe it.

Whether it was about Warren or the ambiguous relationship between her and Bennett, either way, Mrs. Carolyn wouldn't let her off easily.

"Ms. Grant, please."

Cataline didn't say a word.

She bit her lip.

She was very much reluctant to get into the car.

Emery understood Catalina's thoughts and quickly held onto her arm, "No, today she promised to accompany me for a big meal. Even if you have something important, you have to line up for your turn, right?"

Kyler didn't seem angry at those words. She smiled slightly and looked at Catalina, "Ms. Grant, please get into the car."

The implied meaning in her words was quite clear.

Today, whether Catalina wanted it or not, she had to go.

For Catalina, there was simply no choice.

Well, when did Catalina ever have a choice in front of the Shaffer family?

"Hey! Can't you be reasonable? Do you think you're so powerful just because you have money? Haven't you seen Lina..."

"Enough, Emery."

Catalina quickly interrupted Emery before she said any offensive words, "I'll go with her first and have the big meal with you tomorrow."

"But, is it safe to go with this person?"

"The person who invited me is Bennett's mother."


Emery looked puzzled.

So, she was going to meet her mother-in-law!

With that thought, Emery felt relieved.

She let go of her hand and comforted Catalina, "Don't worry! Sooner or later you will have to meet your parents-in-law. Everything will be fine."

Catalina smiled at her but didn't say anything. Then, she got into the car.


Emery waved to her.

The car was taking Catalina towards Shaffer Mountain.

Sitting in the car, Catalina felt uneasy and nervous.

She couldn't figure out why Mrs. Carolyn invited her over.

Was it because of Warren?

Or was it because of Bennett?

Catalina's heart was pounding nervously. Her hands were placed in front of her, tightly intertwined. Due to the excessive force, her fingers even turned a bit pale.

The car passed by the hillside.

Catalina couldn't help but glance in the direction of Sophora.

The mountain and forest obscured her view, but she could smell the fragrance of the hundred-year-old locust tree's flowers.

It was May...

The locust flowers were blooming.

Sophora Villa must be beautiful now!

But, no matter how beautiful it was, she had nothing to do with it anymore.

Catalina forced herself to withdraw her gaze.

Her chest felt as if it were being pressed by a huge stone, making it difficult for her to breathe.

Soon, the car stopped at Sandal Villa.

Kyler led her inside.



Catalina didn't say a word.

Along the way, numerous maids greeted Kyler with respect.


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