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Marriage Without Love: Sir, Please Stop novel Chapter 138

Chapter 138


Bennett nodded.

"It's strange. What kind of interests need to risk universal condemnation and kill you? Moreover, it's extraordinary to be able to incorporate the strongest hiring team and even dare to attack you!"

"What big benefits do you think are directly related to my life?"

Bennett rubbed his fingers and asked Vincent.

His words were unusually calm.

He seemed to have seen through everything.

Vincent thought for a moment, looked shocked, and hurriedly bowed his head. "Mr. Shaffer, I dare not say..."

"Go ahead! Give you this right."

Bennett's eyes looked faintly into the distance.

As far as he could see, there were rows of tall buildings.

He stood there, like a king high above, overlooking all living creatures at his feet.

Vincent said, "The biggest benefit linked to your life is... Shaffer Group! You are the leader of Shaffer Group. Without you, the next heir is the biggest gainer! As for the next heir... Every man in the Shaffer family is possible!"

Bennett put his hand in front of him, bowed his head, looked at his stroking fingers, and he looked cold. "Leave..."

His voice was a little hoarse.

Vincent nodded. "Yes."

Then he left the office silently.

Bennett put his hands behind his back again and looked at the prosperity scene in the distance without expression. He looked more and more fierce.


At the same time.

Catalina, who was still here with Emery, was chatting.

Suddenly, some news was broadcast on the TV overhead, "This morning, Mr. Shaffer of Shaffer Group held a press conference in person to officially cancel his engagement with Ms. Wyatt. In order to make up for Wyatt Group, Shaffer Group initiative offered to give up 20% of the profits on two new cooperation projects. This is the first time Bennett has spoken in person in front of the media..."

"Lina, Lina! Watch the news."

Emery was so excited that she patted Catalina on the arm.

She hadn't even swallowed the rice in her mouth.

Catalina stared at the TV screen in front of her. For a moment, she even thought she was dreaming.

She thought, "Bennett... Did he really cancel his engagement with Hana?"


"Is it because I said 'I don't want to' last night?"

"No, no, no, how could it be!"

"How could Bennett do it for me?"

Catalina was quite confused.

Maybe she was nervous or excited, she blushed.

Her heart beat wildly.

She even had an impulse for a second to call Bennett to ask, but in the end, she put up with it.

She dared not.

She was afraid that she was really amorous.

Of course, she felt embarrassed to ask as well.

"Lina, didn't you say there was no good news? Bennett really canceled his engagement for you! My idol never let me down! So handsome!"

Emery hugged Catalina excitedly.

Catalina was extremely excited, but at this moment, she still pretended to be calm. "Don't... Don't talk nonsense, eat quickly."

Catalina buried herself in her meal.

But in fact, she had no idea what the food tasted like in her mouth.

She was preoccupied with Bennett's sudden cancellation of his engagement.

Emery still kept saying, "Lina, I said that you and my idol are in love with each other. You still don't believe it. Look, he has canceled his engagement for you. Should you believe it this time?"

Catalina thought, "In love with each other?"

When Catalina heard these five words, her heart beat more wildly.

She thought, "Does he?"

"Did Bennett fall in love with me?"

"How could it be?"

"Doesn't he hate me the most?"

"He likes to bully me the most since childhood."

"Besides, he is Bennett! He is the virtuous and talented person, untouchable and beloved. How could he possibly love me, the most ordinary person with great difference in social standing?"

Catalina didn't believe it.

She dared not believe it.


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