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Marriage Without Love: Sir, Please Stop novel Chapter 139

Chapter 139

Seeing Catalina, Warren quickly stopped working.


Catalina nodded.

"At the company?"


"You'd better go home to have dinner in the future. After all, the dishes at home are richer."

Catalina pursed her lips and said nothing.

"What's the matter? What can I do for you?"


Catalina bit her lips.

After a while, she summoned up her courage and said, "Warren, shall we cancel our engagement?"

Warren was stunned.

The two hands on the wheelchair could not help tightening up.

Catalina looked at Warren with an apologetic face but did not dare to look him in the eye.

She knew that she owed too much to Warren.


Marriage was no joke after all.

Besides, the person in her heart was always Bennett.

How could she marry Warren with her love for Bennett?

In this way, it was also unfair to Warren!

He deserved to be treated wholeheartedly by a girl.

"So, Bennett broke off his engagement with Hana for your sake?"


"So now you want to break your engagement with me for him?"


Catalina bit her lips and said nothing.

She didn't know what to say.

She had said the same words many times.

But no one wanted to listen to her.

Catalina bit her lower lip hard and felt the pain before she opened her mouth. "Warren, I'm sorry. In fact, four years ago, I thought my marriage partner was Bennett. When I found out it was you, I wanted to refuse. However, my family didn't give me this opportunity at all. I also admit that it was my cowardice, because they said I was your bride to save your life by giving you a wedding to counteract your bad luck. I was afraid that my refusal would make you suffer disaster, and even more afraid that you could not bear the stimulation with your serious illness. At that time, I never had any hope for Bennett. So, I told myself that I would live with you after I married you, but... It doesn't work out! Finally, we didn't get married. Now, four years have passed, when too many things have happened... "

"Yes, you have experienced a lot, but what about me? In the past four years, I have only experienced one thing, that is... Lying down!"


Catalina felt a deep sense of guilt.

She was almost defeated and fell on the sofa, covering her head with her hands, her face full of pain.

The emotions in her heart were not only guilt but also helplessness, struggle, and grievance...

All kinds of complicated feelings were mixed, which almost forced her out of breath.

Why was it so difficult for one to live his life at will?

"Lina, let's get married!"

Catalina was shocked.

She looked up and stared at Warren in amazement.

The next second, she shook her head. "Warren, I don't want this result."

As she spoke, tears suddenly rolled out of her eyes like broken beads.

"Only when we get married can you stop all your thoughts about Bennett, and Bennett will also quit."

Warren came forward with a wheelchair and held Catalina.


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