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Marriage Without Love: Sir, Please Stop novel Chapter 143

Chapter 143

Catalina was left in a daze by his kiss and surrendered to his touch.

She also lost track of time...

Only when she felt her breath growing uneven did Bennett reluctantly release her.

Catalina slowly came to herself and felt like crying, saying, "Bennett, in the future, we..."

"I want you to move back in and become Mrs. Shaffer, my wife!"


"Whether it's Warren or my mother, I'll handle them. I won't let you get away from me again, Catalina. Marry me, and you won't regret it."

Catalina put on a bitter smile.

She had never regretted liking him.

The following day...

They came back from the cliff.

As Bennett turned on his phone, he was immediately bombarded with notifications of calls and messages.

There were more than ten missed calls from Carolyn, a few from Vincent, dozens from Darnell, and a handful from Zavier.

Bennett was about to call Zavier back when his phone buzzed again in his hand.

It was Darnell calling.

He hung up immediately.

But before he was able to dial Zavier's number, Darnell called again.

He had no choice but to pick it up.

"What's going on?"

He asked in a chilly tone.

He didn't need to ask why Darnell was calling.

He was here to question him.

"Ben, have you lost your mind? Did you really run away with Catalina?"

"It's none of your business. Are you calling just to talk about this?"

"No, it's not just that. Do you have any idea how furious Carolyn became when she found out about you two?"

"Really? Did she set fire to the home altar?"

"It's more than that. She was so furious that she could burn down the entire Shaffer Mountain. You two did whatever you pleased and simply left like that. But have you considered the consequences? Do you think Carolyn will be easy to deal with? How could she possibly let Catalina off the hook?"

Bennett glanced at Catalina, and his brows furrowed deeply. He asked, "You called just to scold me and threaten me?"

How could he not think through what Darnell had mentioned?

Darnell sighed, "No, I just wanted to let you know that Carolyn is taking action. She's already ordered me to fire Catalina."

Bennett frowned and asked, "How did you reply?"

"I refused. Do you know how nervous I was? I felt like I could die at any moment at the hands of Carolyn."


"At most, I bought you a few more days. But you know Carolyn well, even if I turned her down, she might even instigate the board of directors. If that happens, Catalina also has to leave the company. Losing her job is one thing, but being with you, it's totally okay even if she never works again. Unfortunately, Carolyn is not someone so easily dealt with. I'm worried she's intentionally applying pressure bit by bit, like slowly tightening a string, until she breaks Catalina. Ben, we might be tough enough to endure it, but Catalina is just an ordinary person. She might not withstand it."

Bennett stayed silent on the phone.

After a while, he nodded and said, "Thanks, I'll be careful."



Bennett ended the call.

"What did you talk about?"

Catalina had actually sensed that something was going wrong through their talk on the phone.


Bennett didn't intend to tell Catalina these things.

He could shoulder the pressure himself.

He said he'd take care of her, and now it was time.

He called Zavier up once more.

"Ben, you finally turned my call. How's Catalina doing? Is she alright?"

"What about you? How are Maggie, Harold, and Keira doing?"

"We're all good! Just that Grandma's pretty worried about Catalina. She insisted I call you!"

"Give your phone to Maggie, and I'll put Catalina on the phone, too."

After saying that, Bennett handed the phone to Catalina.

Catalina took it.


"Hey, Grandma!"

"Lina, is everything OK? I've been trying to reach you, afraid that something might happen to you."

"I'm good. I left in a hurry yesterday and forgot to bring my phone."

"So, are you really with Bennett?"


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