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Marriage Without Love: Sir, Please Stop novel Chapter 142

Chapter 142

Catalina's heart skipped a beat and the next second...

Her cheeks turned slightly red.

She shook her head and said, "It doesn't hurt..."

At that moment, she felt as though her heart had been hit by his sugar-coated tenderness.

Her ears were burning.

Bennett tilted his head again to take off the other earring for her.

Catalina glanced at the man who was barely an inch away from her, and her restless heart was pounding.

She couldn't help but ask again, "Aren't you supposed to be at the wedding too? Why are you here?"

"Stay still. The earring got caught in your hair."

Bennett suddenly reminded her.

Catalina felt like he was deliberately avoiding her question.

She was a little annoyed, covered her ear with her hand, and asked, "Why don't you answer my question?"

Bennett had already removed the earring, and he swung it in front of her eyes, saying, "Who said I'm not answering? I'm just like you! Well, not exactly. I had no intention of attending this wedding from the start. I agreed to marry Hana just because I wanted to show my mom and Hana who was in charge. Also, I had planned to take you away from the wedding. I kept you by my side once, and I can do it a second time. Catalina, I won't let you leave me again."

With these words, he dropped the earring into the storage compartment and continued, "Don't wear such bulky things again."

Catalina spaced out and then nodded.

But his words stirred mixed emotions in her, which left her heart pumping.

So today, neither of them were married, nor did they start a family with someone else.

Catalina's mood suddenly brightened, and she felt as if a heavy burden that had been weighing on her had been removed. The dark clouds dispersed. Now, all she saw was bright sunshine.

Suddenly, her facial expressions became lively.

Catalina couldn't contain her emotions, and she was also embarrassed this was found out by Bennett. She turned her face and looked out of the window to avoid his gaze.

And it was obvious that Bennett was in a rather good mood as well.

In a rare instance, he found himself driving and tapping his fingers to the beat of the music inside the car.

There was an inexplicable atmosphere in the confined car space.

It felt so sweet.

It could instantly uplift one's mood!

The car continued down the road to an unknown destination.

After about half an hour of driving, Catalina couldn't help but ask, "Where are we going?"

"You'll see once we get there."


However, Catalina could never have expected that Bennett would actually take her to revisit somewhere familiar.

Upon they arrived at the waterfall, Bennett couldn't stand Catalina's wedding dress any longer. He simply reached out and tore off the dress's flounce.

Catalina was taken aback, stepped back, and asked, "What are you doing?"

Bennett casually threw the white lace flounce into the stream and said, "It was inconvenient."

The flounce of the dress floated down the stream.

Catalina glanced at her legs. Thankfully, Bennett did it perfectly right.

It didn't expose her body, and it was easier for her to walk around.

Holding an umbrella together, they walked through the waterfall.

They saw the deserted car.

By the stream, traces of them living together still remained.

"Give me your phone."

Bennett held out his hand towards her.


Catalina shook her head and replied, "I left in a hurry and didn't bring my phone with me."

"Well, that's fine."

"What do you mean?"

Bennett didn't pay much attention to her confusion. He took out his phone and sent a text to Zavier. [Bennett: Catalina is with me, and tell Grandma that there is nothing to worry about.]

"Are you texting your little brother?"

Catalina happened to glance at the contact name on the phone screen.

After sending the message, Bennett turned off his phone and replied, "Just inform your family, so your grandma wouldn't worry about you."


Catalina hadn't expected that Bennett could be so considerate.

As she was lost in thought, a suit jacket was suddenly thrown at her and fell on her head.

"What are you doing?"

She removed Bennett's suit jacket and saw him rolling up his pant legs. He replied, "Are you hungry? I'm going to catch some fish."

Catalina was amused.


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