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Marriage Without Love: Sir, Please Stop novel Chapter 31

Chapter 31 Catalina Is Angry

What happened to Catalina next was exactly what he had expected.

With a bang, she bumped into the stone sculpture in front.

Catalina immediately let out a cry in pain.

She stooped and covered her pelvis being hit.

Her tears almost burst out.

Apparently, it hurt a lot.

"Are you an idiot?"

Bennett came up, threw his windbreaker on the sofa, and held Catalina's trembling shoulders with both hands. "Where did it hit?"

Catalina's face was pale. It hurt so much that she could not speak at all. Her eyes were wet and covered with a layer of painful tears.

Bennett was furious and said, "Over these few years, you have only grown in your temper, but not your IQ, right?"

With a sullen face, he rebuked Catalina.

Meanwhile, he reached out his long arm and pulled Catalina, who couldn't straighten up at all, up from the ground.

Catalina was startled.

As soon as she fell into his arms, her pale face turned red.

"...You don't have to be so mean when scolding me, do you?"

Catalina's heart was pounding.

Bennett didn't speak.

His face was still sullen.

He didn't even spare a glance at her.

Catalina felt that he seemed to be angry.

She thought, "But what is he angry about?

Is it still about that ugly doll?"

Catalina wasn't sure, but she didn't dare to ask, for fear that she would accidentally infuriate him again.

Bennett carried her to the sofa. Then he turned his back, took out his mobile phone, and made a call.

Catalina didn't know who he was calling.

She just doubted whether the person at the end of the phone would answer his call this late at night.

Catalina rubbed her pelvis silently.

Her facial features huddled together because of pain.

"Damn. I suspect that my pelvis was cracked by myself, but I'm embarrassed to check it in front of Bennett," she thought.

As she was thinking, Bennett suddenly said in a low voice, "Ryker."

Catalina froze.

She said to herself in her heart, "Dr. Hood?!

Why would he call a doctor at three in the morning? What does he want to do?

Could it be that he is asking Dr. Hood to check my pelvis?"

Catalina thought that Bennett was unlikely to do such a thing.

"Come to Sophora Villa. I'll wait for you in the main living room."

"Who is sick? No one."

Bennett turned around and glanced coldly at Catalina, who was looking up at him in confusion. "I just want you to come and check someone's brain."

Catalina was speechless for a moment.

After hearing that, she was finally sure that Bennett was really calling Ryker for her.

However, he was not calling Ryker to check her pelvis.

Instead, he was calling him to check her brain.

Catalina hadn't expected that.

She was angry.

Enduring the pain, she got up.

While Bennett didn't notice, she grabbed his mobile phone from behind and said, "Dr. Hood, I'm sorry to bother your rest so late. Just continue to sleep! Nothing happened here. It's all right! Yes, he's just joking! OK, goodbye."

After hanging up, Catalina was finally relieved.

When she looked back, however, she saw Bennett staring at her gloomily, as if about to eat her alive.

Catalina's neck shrank in fright, and she retreated back into the sofa.

Bennett pursed his lips tightly and did not speak.

Catalina didn't dare to look at him. She stared at her ten toes with her head down and didn't dare to say anything.

Finally, unexpectedly, Bennett took the lead in breaking the silence. "Where did the stone sculpture hit you?" he asked.

He had calmed down, but he was still angry.

"It...It hit my waist."

"Lift up your clothes."


"Just do as I said! Hurry up!"

Bennett had clearly lost all patience.


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