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Marriage Without Love: Sir, Please Stop novel Chapter 32

Chapter 32 Catalina Tries to Please Bennett

Since the first communication failed, Catalina planned to try again.

In fact, to be more accurate, the first communication had already failed before it was conducted.

Therefore, Catalina was more cautious this time. She planned to do something that would please Bennett.

She decided to talk to Bennett about the real matter after she had made him happy.


In the morning, at the Sophora Villa.

Outside the window, everything was covered with heavy snow.

The branches of the dead trees were covered with ice edges, which were crystal clear. When the wind blew, the branches collided, and the ice edges turned into natural wind chimes, sending out clear and sweet tunes, bringing a little joy to this ordinary morning.

In the branches, clusters of pink plums set against the white snow, looking beautiful and holy.

At the Lake Compound, Bennett had already got up and taken a bath.

"Come in."

He ordered the maids who were waiting at the door on time.

Hearing that, the maids bowed their heads one after another. Every two of them walked through the Wheelworth-style circular arch in a row and entered Bennett's bedroom orderly.

Among the maids, there was a special person.

It was Catalina who had come purposely to please Bennett.

In order to show her sincerity, she even specially put on Wendy's uniform.

"Good morning, Mr. Shaffer!"

The maids greeted Bennett in unison.

Bennett nodded slightly.

When they came in, Bennett happened to be changing clothes.

Catalina couldn't help glancing at him again.

Bennett wore a white and simple classic shirt, and the three buttons under the collar were still unbuttoned casually, revealing a large area of his bronze, sexy chest muscles.

On the lower part of his body, a pair of dark trousers of exquisite texture wrapped his legs, and the perfect cutting made his straight legs slenderer and more symmetrical.

He stood there like a cypress, tall and strong. At one glance, he seemed to have come from the painting.

He walked barefoot on the white Melstead carpet. Probably because the backs of his feet had never been exposed to the sun, his skin was clean and fair, and even his toenails were clipped meticulously to be delicate and round.

This man, no matter where he was or what circumstances he was under, would naturally glow and attract everyone's attention.

As a result, Catalina, who had just entered the door, was stunned for a moment.

There was no doubt that Bennett was the most handsome and perfect man Catalina had ever seen in her life.

"Am I handsome?"

As Catalina was in a daze appreciating Bennett's charming appearance, she suddenly heard a joking and slightly ironic question coming from the front.

Catalina finally snapped back to her senses.

Then she finally realized that all the maids except her had already been busy with their duties.

She was the only one who clung dazedly to the spot, stunned by Bennett's appearance.

She felt very embarrassed.

After she was exposed by Bennett on the spot, Catalina's pretty face instantly blushed. Seeing that the maids were all trying to stifle their laughter, Catalina had an impulse to rush out.

She bent her head even lower.

"Come here."

Bennett gave a casual order.

Catalina raised her head.

Bennett naturally extended his arm to her in a kingly manner.

Catalina was very confused.

She didn't know what Bennett wanted to do.

Catalina walked over suspiciously.

Bennett, like an arrogant lion, looked down at her and said, "Button up my sleeves and serve me to dress."

Catalina was a little speechless.

She thought, "This man really regards himself as a king, doesn't he?

Of course, I don't want to serve him, but do I have any choice?


Seeing that Catalina seemed reluctant, Bennett raised his eyebrows a little. "Don't you want to do it?"

He withdrew his arm. "It doesn't matter. I don't like forcing others to do anything."

Catalina was speechless again.

She retorted in her heart, "He doesn't like to force others?

Does he mean that what happened that night was of my willingness?



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