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Marriage Without Love: Sir, Please Stop novel Chapter 36

Chapter 36 Cheer Mr. Shaffer Up

Bennett shot her a chilly glance before turning away.

The silence in the car was deafening.

Catalina's heart was racing faster and faster.

Bennett looked displeased, so she assumed they wouldn't speak to each other again. He surprised her, however, by continuing the conversation a short time later.

"Did you keep your exchange diary for Warren?"

Catalina's face was flushed with surprise as she looked at him.

He, too, was looking at her with his head cocked to the side.

His eyes were icy and indifferent, but they seemed like black holes about to devour her.

"When did you first fall in love with him?" he asked coldly.

After a brief tremble, Catalina's heart sank.

Bennett was the one she had loved for so long, so she found the question odd when he asked her when she fell for his brother.

His question made her feel pain as if she was being tortured.

However, when she noticed he was staring at her, she wondered if she should deny it.

She didn't want Bennett to know she loved him, so she pretended Warren was the one she was interested in.

Catalina knew that if Bennett discovered the truth, he would mock and sarcastically humiliate her as a lunatic who would bite off more than she could chew.

Bennett interpreted Catalina's silence as implicit approval.

Apparently, she admitted that she had written the diary for Warren and that she loved him.

The atmosphere inside the car had turned downbeat and strange.

Even though the car was adequately heated, everyone felt like they were in a freezing cavern.

Bennett was just sitting there, giving off an eerie vibe like an ice sculpture.

Vincent glanced in the rearview mirror to check on them, but his gaze was met by Bennett's gloomy stare. Fear gripped him, which made him immediately avert his gaze.

Vincent quickly glanced at Bennett, noticing that the two hands resting on his knees were balled into fists. Bennett was clearly trying to control his anger, as shown by the bulging veins in the backs of his hands.

"Bennett is furious! This must be serious!" Vincent thought to himself.


Since that day, Catalina and Bennett had sparked a new cold war.

Catalina believed she was innocent because she was unsure how she had offended him again.

Everything was fine when they went to see Maggie in the hospital, but Bennett lost his cool after they got into the car and talked for a while.

Catalina couldn't figure out what was wrong with him.

Someone barged into the room while Catalina was sitting on the couch with her legs crossed and writing a news article on her laptop.

Wendy slammed the door shut as soon as she barged in, and she looked so scared that she seemed to be followed by a ghost.

"What's wrong?"

Catalina asked, puzzled.

Wendy appeared as if she had just experienced a devastating shock.

"I'm so scared!"

Wendy patted her chest to calm herself as she approached the couch. "Mr. Shaffer was venting his rage as I walked past the Lake Compound just now. Ralph was attempting to calm him down, but it didn't appear to be working. Oh my goodness, this is awful!"

It was the first time in her many years of service at Sophora Villa that she had seen Bennett become so enraged.

Catalina was also taken aback, so she couldn't help but look out the window at the Lake Compound.

Only the white mist on the lake was visible to her.

"Do you know what made him so angry?"

"I'm not sure. But..."

"But what?"

Wendy leaned in close to Catalina and whispered, "I heard you were the one who pissed off Mr. Shaffer."


Catalina naively pointed to her nose, "What did I do wrong?"


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