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Marriage Without Love: Sir, Please Stop novel Chapter 37

Chapter 37 Bennett Applied Medicine For Her

There was a loud crash as the ashtray shattered on the floor next to Catalina.

Catalina's fair calf was cut and bled by shards of glass.

Blood dripped out of the wound like pearls.


Catalina groaned from the pain.

The blood ran down her ankle and onto the white Persian carpet on the floor.

Catalina closed her eyes, realizing she had gotten herself into another jam.

"Things have gotten a lot worse!" She thought to herself.

"Is that you, Catalina?"

Bennett asked. He realized at that moment that the person who had come in was Catalina.

He set the book he was holding down and asked, "Who gave you the permission to come in? Have you forgotten what I told you before?"

He prohibited her from entering the Lake Compound under any circumstances.

"I just said that a few days ago! How come she doesn't seem to remember what I told her?" He thought to himself.

Catalina was in no mood to respond.

She fetched a stack of napkins after setting the ravioli on the table. She wiped the blood from the floor with napkins before pressing them against her leg's wound.

Bennett frowned as he noticed the wound on her leg.

As he rushed over to Catalina, the book in his hand slipped from his grasp.

He only saw the cut on her calf after approaching her.

"What are you doing?"

Bennett asked with a frown, fighting the discomfort he was feeling. She squatted on the carpet, wiping the blood away with paper towels.

She was so focused that she forgot about the injury on her leg.

Bennett thought she was the dumbest person on the planet.

"I'm cleaning up the blood!"

Catalina didn't bother looking up to see Bennett's reaction because she was too busy apologizing and cleaning up the blood on the carpet. "I'm sorry. I know you are a neat freak, but since you're the one who hurt me in the first place, you can't just blame me. I'll figure out how to get rid of the blood."

"What is wrong with you? Why do you care so much about this damn carpet? Did you forget about the injury on your leg?"

Bennett asked, feeling a flash of rage rise within him. He yanked Catalina up to her feet rudely.

"How brilliantly white this carpet is! It will leave a stain if I don't clean it up immediately."

Catalina was aware that Bennett had been a fastidious person. She knew that if she didn't clean up the blood, either the carpet or she would end up in hell.

Given that the carpet was likely worth more than her father's house, she hoped that neither would happen.

"You don't have to worry about that. The maids will clean the carpet. "

Bennett strode into the hall as he carried her in his arms.

Catalina was terrified by how intimate they seemed.

As he held her, her face flushed.

Bennett violently threw her onto the sofa.

He quickly turned away from her when he noticed the cut on her leg.

"Do you need to get Dr. Ryker Hood over here?" he asked with his hands in his suit pockets.

"No, that won't be necessary. It's just a small wound. There's no reason to make a big deal out of this."

"But it's a such deep cut!" Bennett said with a frown while glaring at her.

"Why are you talking to me like that? You're the one who made me get hurt."

Catalina put her legs out in front of him to force him to face the truth.

Bennett frowned and turned away as if he was scared.

Catalina realized why he had been talking to her behind her back after recalling his fear of blood.

Catalina instantly pulled her leg back. "You don't have to look at me if you're scared. By the way, I'll definitely clean the carpet."

"I'm not scared at all!"


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