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Marriage Without Love: Sir, Please Stop novel Chapter 47

Chapter 47 Argued for Being His Wife

"Hey! Be honest!"

Emery leaned her head over with the account book in her arms, "I know that you like Bennett, so you don't have to hide it from me."


Catalina was surprised. She opened her eyes wide, "Did I tell you about this last night?"

"Yes!" Emery nodded.

Catalina put her hand on her forehead.

How much wine did she drink last night? How many stupid things had she done?

Was she going to tell her secret to everyone? How embarrassing!

Catalina just wanted to dig a hole and bury herself.

"Emery, I drank wine last night, and it was all nonsense, especially those about Bennett. Don't take them seriously."

Catalina tried to make it up.

"Come on, save it. Don't you know in wine there truth is!"


"It's not a shame to like Bennett."


Catalina thought it was shameful.

Because it was just a fond dream.

Emery continued, "I think he's much better than those idol stars. But every time I talk to you about Bennett, you're always indifferent. I didn't expect you to worship him so much! Last night, you argued fiercely with me for being his wife. You even cried!"


Catalina froze.



"But I can fully understand."

Emery held Catalina's shoulder and sighed, "People like us are always humble. Think about it. Why there are many bodyguards around those stars? Who are they guarding against?"

Catalina shook her head in confusion.

So, Emery thought that her love towards Bennett was just like her worship towards those idols?

Emery thought that she simply regarded Bennett as an idol?

Well, that was better.

"Of course, they are guarding against people like us!"


Catalina smiled awkwardly, "You know yourself well."

"I dreamt of him last night! He was wearing a navy suit and a black windbreaker on his shoulder. He came towards me under the light. Oh God! The scene was so great!"

Emery held her face with a silly laugh, then she continued, "Why didn't I dream that he's on my bed?"

Catalina's mouth twitched.

Was Emery thinking about her husband in front of her?

However, according to Emery's description of Bennett. It was clear that it was not just a dream, but what happened last night.

If she knew that she had passed her idol because she was drunk, how would she feel?

"My master has a call. Please. Please. Please answer the phone..."

Suddenly, the ringtone with Minions' voice rang. It was Catalina's mobile phone.

On the screen, an overseas call popped up.

It was from Gilburgh?

Catalina's heart suddenly missed a beat.

Was it Bennett?

But he should be on the plane now, shouldn't he?

If it wasn't him, who would it be? Would it be Bennett's girlfriend?

With this in mind, Catalina's heart beat faster.

"Lina, why don't you answer the phone? Oh? It's from Gilburgh? It must be a liar! Screen it! Screen it!"

Emery reached out and wanted to screen the call for Catalina.

Catalina soon took the phone, got up and walked outside, pressing the answer button.

"Hello, who is it?"

Catalina was so nervous that she could hardly breathe.

"Have a guess."

The voice on the phone was sweet and bright.


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