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Marriage Without Love: Sir, Please Stop novel Chapter 48

Chapter 48 The Accident Meet

"Send me some money. I need 700,000 dollars. I'll wait for you at Spring Fall."

"Money? 700,000 dollars?"

Catalina was stunned, "What are you talking about? Are you drunk?"

Darnell rubbed his temple. Although he was a little annoyed, he tried to control his temper. He needed her help after all. He explained, "I'm gambling. I lost some money but I didn't take my cards with me. Send me a card."

Catalina was speechless, "I don't have a card."

And more importantly, she didn't have a card with 700,000 dollars.

"Aren't you Mrs. Shaffer? How can you have no card?"

"Do you have any misunderstanding about Mrs. Shaffer? Don't say 700,000 dollars. I don't even have 7,000 dollars."

Darnell was shocked and said, "Is Ben that miserly?"

"Yeah, I don't have 700,000 dollars. I'll hung up."

"Go to find Ralph. He must have the money."

Catalina was speechless, "You want to use Palph's money? Why don't you go to your parents?"

"Isn't that because of you?"

Speaking of this, Darnell was so angry that he gritted his teeth. "If you hadn't talk those nonsense, my dad wouldn't cut off my financial source."


Catalina thought, "You deserve it!"

"I'll call Ralph later and you can just go to him for the money. You know where Spring Fall is, don't you?"

"I won't go."

"Catalina, I'm your boss. You wanna lose your job?"

"Then fire me!"

Catalina was ready to be dismissed at any time.

It was just a matter of time.


Darnell was pissed off.

But soon, he smiled evilly. "If you don't come, I'll tell my aunt and uncle about you and Ben. You must have heard about my aunt, right? If she knows that you're pestering Ben again, guess what she will do?"

"You're so despicable!"

Catalina's face turned pale.

"Yeah, you're right."

"You're shameless!!"

"I'll wait for you."

Darnell hung up the phone.

After a while, Ralph sent Catalina a card of Bennett.

Catalina had no choice but to take a taxi to Spring Fall.

After an hour, Catalina arrived at Spring Fall.

Led by the butler of Spring Fall, Catalina successfully found the presidential suite where Darnell was.

She opened the door and found that the room was filled with smoke.

And four men were indulged in gambling on the table.

When Catalina went over, Darnell just won a round. "It seems that you're my lucky star."

He narrowed his eyes and looked at Catalina with a cigarette in his mouth.

Although he was wild and cynical, his natural noble temperament was hard to be hidden.

Sitting there, no matter he was smoking or gambling, he still made the picture gorgeous.

What the hell!

God was too unfair.

Catalina came out of her thoughts. She put the card at his hand with no expression, and then left directly.

"Where are you going?"

Darnell craned his neck and asked her.

"Go home."

"I'll send you home later."


Catalina left without looking back.


Others laughed at Darnell, "It's rare to see a woman refuse Darnell."

Darnell slapped on their forehead and said, "Why talk nonsense? Do you want to die?"

"Look, Darnell is shy!"

"Shut up!"



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