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Marriage Without Love: Sir, Please Stop novel Chapter 52

Chapter 52 Maggie's Concern

"Fine, I trust you! Let's go home!"

"Okay! Let me help you."

Catalina helped Maggie out of the hospital, carrying a light duffel bag.

The two of them took a taxi and headed for the countryside.

On the way, Maggie kept complaining, "We should have taken a bus, instead of a taxi. What a waste of money. You guys have already spent a lot of money because of my illness!"

"Again? Grandma?"

"Okay, I won't say that again."

Maggie took Catalina's hand and was very pleased.

She thought, "Although my daughter passed away early, luckily, I still have such a good granddaughter."

It was past 3 p.m. when they returned to their home in the countryside.

Catalina's aunt-in-law, Keira Wise, was busy in her vegetable patch. When she saw Catalina from a distance, she called out to her, "Lina, why did you come back alone today?"

"Well, Bennett is too busy to come back with me," replied Catalina loudly.

"Tomorrow is the weekend, and you don't have to go to work, right? Then don't leave but stay here tonight! Let me cook some delicious dishes for you tonight."

"OK! Thank you, Keira."

Catalina did not hesitate to agree and walked into the house with Maggie's luggage.

Since Maggie was hospitalized, Catalina had not been in the countryside for a long time. Therefore, she missed Keira's cooking very much.

As Catalina had just put down the luggage, Maggie said, "Lina, if you don't go back tonight, why not give Bennett a call?"


Catalina was stunned for a moment.

"You two are husband and wife living under the same roof. Therefore, shouldn't you tell him if you don't go home?"

Catalina didn't speak.

She thought, "It does make sense.


But we are husband and wife only in name!

Therefore, it's okay even if I don't tell him that I'm not going home tonight, right?"

Thinking of this, Catalina said, "Grandma, I have to put your luggage back now, and I'll call him later."

Catalina tried to prevaricate over the matter.

Unfortunately, Maggie had seen her through.

"Why do it later? Call him now. It's just a call, and it won't take long."


Catalina had no choice but to listen to Maggie. She could only take out her mobile phone and call Bennett in front of Maggie.

The mechanical sound coming from the mobile phone made Catalina very nervous.

"Don't answer it. Don't answer it..." she prayed in her heart.

When the mechanical sound rang for the third time, Catalina hurriedly said to Maggie, "Grandma, he may be busy right now and have no time to..."


Before Catalina could finish her words, the phone got through.

Catalina held her forehead helplessly.

She really did not want Bennett to pick up her phone.

"Someone is speaking."

Even Maggie heard the sound on the other end of the phone.

Catalina could only force herself to say, "Well..."

"Mrs. Shaffer?"


Catalina was surprised.

She sighed with relief and said happily, "Vincent, Bennett is busy, isn't he?"

"Yes, Mrs. Shaffer. What can I do for you?"

"No, nothing. Just tell him that I am not going back to Sophora Villa tonight. I'm staying at my grandmother's house."

"Wait, Mrs. Shaffer, Mr. Shaffer is here!"


The next moment, Vincent's respectful voice sounded on the other end of the phone, "Mr. Shaffer, it's a call from Mrs. Shaffer."

Upon hearing this, Catalina was inexplicably flustered and hurriedly hung up.

Meanwhile, she thought, "I really don't know how to tell Bennett that I'm not going home tonight.


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