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Marriage Without Love: Sir, Please Stop novel Chapter 53

Chapter 53 Bennett's Sudden Visit

"Why are you hesitating about this?"

Keira, as a person who had the experience, earnestly persuaded Catalina, "Look at me and your uncle. We are so poor, but we have also raised your younger brother so well, right? Not to mention the fact that you both have such solid financial footing. You can even have someone look after your baby in the future. Therefore, you don't have to worry about it at all."

"Yes, your aunt is right," Maggie echoed and then reminded Catalina, "Discuss this matter with Bennett, okay?"

Catalina didn't speak.

She lowered her head and dared not say anything, but mechanically thrust food into her mouth.

Meanwhile, she thought, "Discussing having a baby with Bennett?

What a joke!

Bennett would probably scold me for wishful thinking!

The two of us can't even count as real husband and wife, so how can we have a baby?"

"Lina, I don't agree with your grandmother and aunt."

Harold Duffy, Catalina's uncle, had been silent. As the sole support of the family, he finally spoke.

"What do you think?"

Catalina, feeling that she had an ally, immediately looked up.

Maggie and Keira also looked over at Harold.

Harold glanced at them, and finally, his gaze rested on Catalina's face. Suddenly, he asked, "Did Bennett mention when the wedding would be held? Besides, should not his parents meet us? Moreover, what happened between you and Warren a few years ago..."

As soon as Harold mentioned this, Keira quickly reached out and patted his arm, signaling him to stop talking further.

In fact, everyone remembered the absurd marriage between Catalina and Warren four years ago, but no one dared to mention it in front of Catalina.

Maggie's face suddenly darkened a lot.

Meanwhile, Catalina's face turned slightly pale.

"I know you guys probably don't want to hear anyone mention this again, but it's something that has already happened and become a fact, even if you don't mention it. I know Lina well. She must have been set up four years ago. I'm just worried that Lina will be bullied after marrying Bennett. After all, the Shaffer family did not even give her a wedding. Who knows what Bennett is planning to do?"

Catalina lowered her head again and silently continued eating.

She couldn't answer a word of Harold's concerns.

It was not just the wedding. In fact, she had never even seen their marriage license.

Keira glared at her husband angrily, complaining that he had completely ruined the good atmosphere.

However, Harold had no intention of changing the topic.

He continued, "Lina, we all believe that you didn't voluntarily do that four years ago, but I just don't understand. Since you were forced to do that, then why are you still protecting the bastard who took your virginity four years ago?"

At this, Catalina lowered her head even more.

Instantly, tears filled her eyes.

Maggie looked at Catalina with distress, but in the end, she hardened her heart and echoed, "Harold's right! Lina, why have you been protecting that person for so many years? You know that as long as you turn this person in, the Shaffer family won't embarrass you anymore. Why do you have to endure it alone?"

"I'm sorry..."

With her head down, Catalina burst into tears, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry..."

She did not know what to say except these three words.

Bitter tears trickled down her face and fell on her plate.

Over the years, the Duffy family had been mocked by others because of the absurd farce four years ago, but even so, they had never complained about Catalina.

They had always given her the greatest trust.

However, she could not tell them what had really happened four years ago.

Maggie's eyes were red, and she sighed with distress, "What a silly girl! Do you know how much you will have to suffer in the future if you continue like this?"

Hearing this, Catalina thought, "I know!

I will suffer a lot for the rest of my life.

However, for the sake of the person I want to protect, I'm willing to suffer all this."

Compared to herself, Catalina was more afraid that anyone besides her knew that the person who had taken her virginity that night was Warren's younger brother, Bennett.

She was also more afraid of Bennett knowing this truth.

She couldn't imagine how Bennett would react if he knew that he had personally pushed his beloved brother into the current abyss.

Catalina never wanted to see that happen.


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