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Marriage Without Love: Sir, Please Stop novel Chapter 59

Chapter 59 Bennett Is Pleased

"Well... "

Catalina's hand in her pocket nervously scratched the tie box.

When she was hesitating whether to give Bennett the gift or not, she suddenly caught a glimpse of him wearing a dark gray tie around his neck.

Catalina was stunned.

She thought the tie looked familiar.

Catalina noticed that the edge of the tie was dotted with tiny diamonds.

Her mind suddenly went blank.

She thought, "Isn't it the tie Claire customized for her boyfriend this afternoon?

Designed by a famous Dodgewich master and globally limited, the tie is worth 600 thousand dollars. Why is it now around Bennett's neck?"

Catalina's mind was instantly in turmoil.


Bennett saw the strange expression on her face and frowned slightly. "What's wrong with you? Why did you stop me?"

"Nothing. I just happened to pass by and wanted to say hi. I'm on my way to the living room..."

As she spoke, Catalina was about to leave.

However, Bennett didn't allow her to go.

He took Catalina's arm in his strong hand and drew her back. "What's the matter?"

Catalina was forced to return to her original position. "I told you. Nothing."

"What on earth is going on?" Bennett asked again.

"Nothing! Didn't you hear me?"

Catalina repeated her answer in a slightly raised voice, but she did not dare to look up at him.

The space between Bennett's eyebrows twitched suddenly. "If so, then why did you throw a tantrum at me?"

Bennett was a little angry.

"I didn't!"

Catalina denied it.

"Say that again?"

Catalina felt silent.

She wussed out.

Not daring to speak again, she lowered her head and sulked.

Bennett was also irritated by her unprovoked anger.

Seeing that she did not speak with her head down, he stretched out his long fingers and caught her chin, forcing her to look up. "What did I do to infuriate you? Huh?"

His cold, long fingers clasped on Catalina's chin, but it gave her the illusion of burning.

Her cheeks were suddenly flushed.

She withdrew her chin from his hand, glanced over the tie around his neck, and casually said, "Your tie looks pretty good. How did you get it? Did someone buy it for you?"

"My tie?"

Bennett glanced down at the tie on his chest and then looked at Catalina in confusion. "I don't know. My stylist team picked it out for me. Why do you care about this?"

"What? Nothing! I just thought it looked good. I was just asking."

Catalina's eyes blinked guiltily.

Bennett's answer, however, suddenly put her in a better mood.

She thought, "I've really thought too much.

This tie has nothing to do with Claire."

Bennett looked down at her inquiringly. "Are you changing the topic by talking about my tie with me?"

"What? No, I'm not!"

Catalina shook her head innocently.

Seeing Bennett's incredulity, she raised her little hand and laid it on her forehead with an earnest expression. "I promise, I just sincerely praised your tie and asked about it casually."

Upon hearing this, Bennett lowered his head and looked again at the tie on his chest. Then he narrowed his eyes slightly and asked, "Do you think it looks good?"


Catalina nodded.

Meanwhile, she thought, "Come on, it's worth 600 thousand dollars, so how would I dare to say it doesn't look good?"

Bennett's frown relaxed a little at Catalina's compliment.

His mood suddenly improved a lot.

The unpleasure that Catalina's unprovoked anger against him had just caused also vanished in an instant.


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