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Marriage Without Love: Sir, Please Stop novel Chapter 60

Chapter 60 Catalina Is Heartbroken

Hearing that, Catalina was stunned for a moment.

She looked confused.

She thought, "What woman?

Whose woman?"

Seeing her confusion, Emery said, "Why didn't you get it?"

She drew Catalina into a chair. "Of course Bennett's woman! Look for yourself!"


Catalina couldn't believe what she had heard.

She was shocked.

She thought, "Does she mean Bennett's girlfriend in Gilburgh?"

"Look for yourself! It's become a hot search on Twitter."

Hearing this, Catalina immediately leaned over to look.

When Catalina saw the intimate photo of a man and a woman on Emery's computer screen, her mind went blank, as if something had exploded in her head.

The photo, which was supposed to be taken last night, showed Bennett and a girl walking arm-in-arm out of a seven-star hotel.

The photo was taken from a stealthy angle, and it was at night. The light, therefore, was actually rather dim, but Catalina recognized the girl in the photo at a glance.

At that moment, a chill went through her from head to toe.

Her face turned pale in an instant.

"I didn't expect it to be Claire Park, that phony woman!"

Catalina was still scolding beside her with jealousy, "This woman is definitely using my husband to hype herself. After all, Bennett is in charge of Shaffer Group, so how would he possibly take a fancy to such a phony woman? I don't believe it!"

Catalina's brain was buzzing.

She thought, "You don't believe it?

But that's the fact!

The tie around Bennett's neck is the best proof.

So, it was really a gift from Claire.

And, because it was given by his beloved woman, he broke his principle of never wearing the same tie for two days."

Catalina knew Bennett well.

Bennett would never easily break his principle for a woman unless he loved her.

Catalina collapsed in the chair with empty eyes, as if she had lost all her strength. She even felt that her breathing was becoming difficult.

She thought, "One is my beloved man, and the other is my best friend.

They're in love!

They've been in love for a long time!

And I, sandwiching between them, become the most awkward, helpless, and disgusting homewrecker.

Claire is in Gilburgh.

Bennett's girlfriend is also in Gilburgh.

Claire said that her boyfriend personally picked her up from Gilburgh.

The time she came back was exactly the time Bennett went to Gilburgh.

I should have thought of that long ago!

Catalina Grant...

What a fool you are!"

"Lina, why are you looking so pale? You're so cold! What's wrong with you? Don't scare me..."

Emery was frightened by Catalina's desperate look and quickly comforted her, "Don't be like that. Bennett is not our real husband, is he? He's just our idol, and it's normal for him to have a girlfriend. Although we're not happy with that, we must accept the fact! Don't get too infatuated with him."

Hearing that, Catalina said to herself in her heart, "She's right!

Catalina, don't get too infatuated with him.

Do you think you really are Bennett's wife?

Don't you know his purpose of marrying you?

Don't you know what the result between you and him will be?

You clearly know that you'll only be heartbroken in the end, so why are you still so infatuated with him?"


"Take them."

Catalina finally came back to her senses.

Her sadness just now had subsided, replaced by her usual composure. She handed the news materials in her hand to Emery and said, "Mr. Tate said that tomorrow we will enter the mountains. Get yourself ready."

As if nothing had happened just now, after giving the news materials to Emery, she got up and left the office.


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