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Marriage Without Love: Sir, Please Stop novel Chapter 61

Chapter 61 Don't Be A Mistress

"You do realize that Bennett is my husband, right?" Catalina asked Claire.

She didn't come across as aggressive, as her tone was soft and gentle.

Claire replied, "Honestly, I've been aware of this for quite some time. I also know why he married you."

Catalina's eyes widened in surprise.

"Catalina, do you know when Bennett and I got together?" Claire asked, looking up.

Catalina knew the answer would be disappointing the moment her eyes met Claire's.

"Bennett proposed to me the day you and Warren got married."

Claire proudly removed the diamond ring from her left hand's middle finger and showed it to Catalina, saying, "This is the ring Bennett gave me four years ago."

Catalina blinked, trying to keep the tears from falling from her eyes.

"Bennett couldn't possibly propose to another girl that day. The night before, we..." Catalina thought to herself.

"Are you going to say that the man you slept with the night before you married Warren was Bennett?"

Catalina raised her head and stared across the table at Claire in shock after hearing that.

"What do you mean?"

"Are you wondering how I found out?" Claire asked while putting the ring back on.

Catalina didn't notice that the ring didn't fit Claire's finger because she wasn't in the mood to be concerned about the minor details.

"Claire, how much do you know about what happened four years ago?" Catalina asked. She was more nervous than she had ever been.

She had assumed that no one but herself knew about that ridiculous night four years ago, but she had not expected Claire to know.

She began to suspect Bennett was also aware of it.

"Does Bennett know about this?"

"You don't have to be so nervous."

Claire appeared to be more at ease than Catalina. She stared at Catalina for a moment before finally saying something shocking, "You weren't the only one who slept with Bennett that night."

Catalina's eyes widened. "What do you mean?"

Claire's statement confused Catalina and caused her face to turn completely pale.

"It seems that I can't hide this from you any longer."

"Do you know why, after all these years, Bennett never thought the man you slept with that night was himself?" Claire asked slowly as she sipped her coffee.


Catalina had always been perplexed by this.

"Because I entered the room immediately after you left."

Catalina exclaimed, "How ridiculous! Before leaving the room, I double-checked that the door was locked and left my room key inside. You couldn't possibly have gotten in."

"You're missing an important detail there. I checked in at the front desk with my ID and reserved that room."

Catalina recalled that Claire had used her ID to get her a room because she was too drunk to do so.

Bennett barged into Catalina's room just as she was getting into bed.

Bennett was delirious and disoriented that night, while Catalina lacked the energy to fight back. They had no idea what was going on while they were having sex.

Benny eventually dozed off, but Catalina remained awake. She left the hotel room quietly after regaining consciousness.


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