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Marriage Without Love: Sir, Please Stop novel Chapter 79

Chapter 79 How Much Money You Are Worth

She frowned and there was sweat on her forehead. She complained, "Bennett, don't you think you should lose some weight?"

"Do you have the nerve to criticize my figure when you are not strong enough?"

"Don't you know that I can just throw you on the ground?"

Catalina retorted and then impatiently pushed away his arm on her shoulder.

Bennett looked at her with his charming eyes and draped his arm over her slender shoulder again.

Catalina was amused and annoyed at the same time.

However, the small move of Bennett softened her heart and made her surrender.

"I'll help you up. Use your own strength at the same time."


Bennett murmured in response with a heavy nasal voice.

Clenching her teeth, Catalina supported his arm, grabbed his wrist, and tried to lift him up.

Unexpectedly, he suddenly pulled back his arm towards his chest, and Catalina was caught off guard and fell into Bennett's arms.

Bennett hugged her, and they both fell onto the Persian carpet.

Catalina ended up lying on his chest.

Her hands touching his sturdy chest muscles, her cheeks blushed in an instant.

She felt awkward and wanted to detach herself from Bennett's embrace immediately.

As soon as she propped herself up with her arms, his hand that was resting on her back suddenly pushed her back into Bennett's embrace.

With a sound, Catalina fell heavily back into Bennett's arms.

The two of them were intertwined, and they could feel the warmth of each other's bodies.

Their hearts were beating hard like drums at the same rate.

There was romantic chemistry between them...

Catalina's face turned red.

"Are you getting up or not?"

Catalina glared at Bennett who was teasing her.

However, Bennett didn't let her go. Instead, he tightened his arms and replied, "You still haven't answered my question."

"What question?"

"Did you come back because I told you to? When did you become so obedient?"


Catalina's face was pressed against his chest. She felt as if she was burning inside, and there was sweat on her nose. She replied, "Ralph tricked me into coming back. He said that your injury was infected and festering, and you had a fever. The most annoying thing is that you were throwing a tantrum and refused to treat your injury."

Bennett frowned his eyebrows and said unhappily, "Why is refusing to treat my injury equal to throwing a tantrum?"

"Isn't that true?"

"Didn't I got injured for you? Shouldn't you be responsible for taking care of me and come back?"

Of course, Catalina was trying to provoke him by saying these words deliberately.

It was all because Ralph lied to her that night.

"What did you say?"

Unsurprisingly, Bennett became furious. He grabbed her chin with the other hand, forcing her to look up at him, and said, "Catalina, how could you say such heartless words? Aren't you guilty at all? Where is your conscience?"

"But it was you who tricked me first."

"I tricked you? When did I trick you?" Bennett was livid.

"You hid behind me and scared me! If you hadn't played a prank on me, how would I have fallen into the mud pit?"


"You see, again you are speechless now!"

Bennett was so angry that he couldn't say a word.

"Catalina, you are a total idiot!"

After scolding her with a grim face, Bennett pulled her away from him without hesitation.

Then he got up and walked inside the room with a blank expression. He said, "Come here and apply the ointment on my injury!"

Catalina got up from the ground and grumbled, "Bennett, you lied to me again!"

Bennett had already taken out the medicine kit and sat on the sofa. He added, "Go wash your hands."


What a nuisance!

Following his instructions, Catalina went to the washroom and washed and sanitized her hands.

"Rub the soap on your hands three times, five minutes each time."

Outside the door, Bennett reminded her in a serious voice.


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