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Marriage Without Love: Sir, Please Stop novel Chapter 80

Chapter 80 Stuck in Bennett's Room

Catalina was infuriated. She said, "You're blackmailing me!"

And he claimed to have shown her mercy.

It was shameless for him to say that.

He was clearly a super cunning businessman.

Bennett stood up, looking at ease, and said, "I gave 150 thousand dollars to my investment consultant, and he can turn it into 1.5 million dollars in just one month. I only asked for 1.5 million dollars after lending the money to you for five months. What else do you want, Catalina? If it weren't for you serving me for one night, I wouldn't even have given you this price!"


Catalina was so angry that she was about to cry, and she couldn't say a word.

How could Bennett talk so casually about that night?

Also, did she and him sleep for only one night?

They clearly had spent two nights together!

"1.5 million dollars is impossible. You lent me 150 thousand dollars, and I'll pay you back 180 thousand dollars in total. The additional 30 thousand dollars will be the interest. Take it or leave it!"

With these words, Catalina turned around and walked away.

She suddenly regretted buying that tie which cost 22.5 thousand dollars for him!

She did not give it to him, and she also couldn't return and refund it. Now she can only put it away in a box, which made her even angrier.

Catalina angrily pulled the door, preparing to leave.


She couldn't open the door?

What was going on?

Catalina tried to pull it open again.

Still, she failed.

Was it locked?

Catalina looked at the small lock at the bottom.

What happened? It was not locked!

Catalina tugged at the lock and pulled the door, but it still wouldn't budge.

She closed her eyes to suppress the raging anger in her chest. She turned to the man standing in the living room and said, "Open the door."

"What does it have to do with me?"

Bennett was acting with an aloof attitude.

"You must know how to unlock it, don't you?"

"Of course I do."

"How can I unlock the door?"

Catalina stepped aside.

"With a key or a password, from the outside."


Was this guy being serious?

Catalina was infuriated.

But to her surprise, Bennett walked towards the bed and directly lay down on it.

"If you want to open the door, reach out to Ralph by yourself. He was the one who locked the door, and it has nothing to do with me."

With this cold response, he turned around, covered himself with the blanket, and fell asleep.

He did fall asleep.

How relaxed he was!

Catalina was speechless.

She quickly took out her phone and called Ralph.

To her dismay, his phone was turned off.

She had no choice but to call Wendy.

To her surprise, Wendy's phone was also turned off.

What was going on?

Catalina felt like she was tricked by the old fox Ralph again.

Unable to open the door or get help from the outside, and with Bennett showing no interest in helping, Catalina had to figure out how to solve the problem on her own.



She pounded on the door and called out loudly to the maid waiting outside, "Hailee! Hailee, are you there?"

No matter how loudly she shouted or how hard she pounded on the door, there was no response from outside.

And the man on the bed seemed to be completely unaffected. He was lying there and did not move at all, as if he was sound asleep.

Bennett was known for having good sleep.

But in Catalina's eyes, he just didn't care about it!

Like now...

Catalina sat back on the sofa feeling frustrated. She crossed her legs, tapped her bare feet on the sofa ad said, "Bennett."

He ignored her.


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