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Married by Accident Taming the Billionaire (Cecilia) novel Chapter 140

Chapter 140 Mr. Nelson Is Overwhelmed by Regret
Chapter 140 Mr. Nelson Is Overwhelmed by Regret
They left the testing institution and drove back.
Remington who sat in the backseat asked coldly, “Fredric, do you have Cecelia’s number? Give her a call!”
Fredric dialed Cecelia’s numbers but failed to get through to her. He reported, “Mr. Nelson, I can’t get through to her.”
“Send her a message.”
Frederic tried to message but failed again. He replied, “Mr. Nelson, Ms. Linsey has blocklisted my number.”
Remington was lost for words.
Right at this moment, he felt fretful and panicked. He felt as if he had lost control of everything just like the string of his kite was broken and the balloon was flying to the sky.
Couldn’t he reach that woman now?
Did she delete his and the Nelsons’ numbers after divorcing him?
How could she be so cruel?
Remington tugged at his necktie fretfully, leaned against the backseat, and pondered for a while. Then an idea flashed through his mind.
“Go to Reeley Model Agency,” he ordered.
Reeley Model Agency was Cynthia’s company. She was an outstanding model agency as well as the president of Reeley.
Of course, she was just a nominal president. After all, Remington helped her establish the company by fully investing in it.
When Remington came to find her, Cynthia was having a meeting.
“What’s the matter, Remington? I’m having a meeting.”
Cynthia hated to be disturbed when she was at a meeting.
“Go downstairs in a minute. Otherwise, you’ll bear the consequence.
Remington had ended the call before Cynthia could finish her words. “Why is he always so bad-tempered and heartless? I’m his sister!”
Chapter 140 Mr. Nelson Is Overwhelmed by Regret
Cynthia went downstairs when complaining about her brother. She wished so much to punch in his indifferent, handsome face when she saw him standing before those luxurious cars.
“What’s the matter? What’s so urgent about? Don’t you know that I’m very busy now and I must grab every chance?”
Remington looked at Cynthia condescendingly and coldly, which made Cynthia’s heart sk ip a beat.
She sensed that there was something wrong with her brother.
She wished so much to leave, but she didn’t dare to. Therefore, she could only ask with a smile, “My dear brother, why do you come for me? Just go straight to it.”
“Can you reach Cecelia?”
Remington asked blandly.
“Cecelia? You’ve divorced her. So, why do you want to find her?”
“Sis, do you know she is?”
“Of course, she’s Cecelia. She was still your wife several days ago but she’s now your ex-wife. Maybe she’s now dancing with a hunk. Anyway, it doesn’t have anything to do with you.”
Cynthia deliberately said these words to satirize Remington because hé didn’t cherish Cécelia before!
“Help me find her. I need to know where she is now.”
Cecelia felt a bit weird at his sudden change of attitude. She murmured, “Why? Why do you want to find her?”
“She deceived me. She’s Lilian!”
Remington sounded as if he almost lost control and his patience was going to run out. “Don’t talk nonsense. You have 5 minutes to tell me about her whereabouts.”
Cynthia was so shocked that her lips parted. Cecelia was Lilian?
Cynthia, who finally came to her senses, couldn’t help but yell, “S hit. No wonder she treated Andres so well. No wonder she was willing to be your auspicious bride. Turns out she’s the poor silly girl who was
Chapter 140 Mr. Nelson Is Overwhelmed by Regret
forced to give birth to a son for you! She’s niece’s biological mother! Oh my g od!”
At this moment, what Cecelia did before all made sense.
She could risk her life to protect her son. It was a mother’s love for her son!
Cynthia felt inexplicably angry when she thought of what her younger brother had done.
“All right, now you finally realize she’s a good woman! I and Grandma all persuaded you to cherish her before and settle down with her, however, you kept causing trouble and even divorced her!” “Now you regret it, right? Lilian is now your ex-wife! Such a brilliant twist!”
“You kicked the woman whom you’ve been looking for out of the Nelson family. Are you satisfied with this result?”
“You must be very regretful now, right? Wasn’t you very confident when you said that there were no words like regret in your dictionary?”
“Enough. Shut up! You have 4 minutes left.”
Remington was already very anxious, but Cynthia kept satirizing him and her words stabbed into his heart like sharp knives!
“I can only help you find her if you admit you’ve regretted it. Otherwise, I would think that you try to find her because you want her to pay the debt.”
Cynthia wanted to teach her arrogant brother a lesson and tested if hé would admit it or not.
Remington stared at her for a long while. In the end, he suppressed his anger and admitted, “Yep. I regret it, but…”
“Save the rest. Since my younger brother has regretted it, as your sister, I must help you!”
Cynthia patted his shoulder smilingly and then beat around the bush again.
“Oh, I’ve been so into the limited-edition bag launched by LV recently. But it’s so expensive and it’s very difficult to get it!”
“I’ll gift it to you!”
“Really? Thank you, Remington! By the way, I also like the high-end, customized dresses of ‘The Romance of Spring’ series that Chanel
Chapter 140 Mr. Nelson Is Overwhelmed by Regret
launched recently!”
“I’ll buy them!”
“Oh my g od, my younger brother is so generous. Thank you. However, I’m a bit short of money recently…
Cynthia was such a typical robber who liked to make use of others’ misfortune.
Remington directly took out a card and said, “There’s no limit for this. card. You can buy everything you like.”
“Haha… Remington, I love you so much!”
Cynthia took the card from him and planted a kiss on it. She was véry happy now!
“I don’t have much time. Hurry up to contact her!”
“I can understand that you must be very anxious now. Just wait and see. I’ll help you solve your problem!”
Cynthia took out her phone and dialed Cecelia’s number.
Remington held his breath and listened to it carefully.
“Sorry, the number you dialed cannot be connected for the moment, please redial it later.’
Remington thought maybe Cecelia had blacklisted Cynthia too and it was useless to ask Cynthia to help him.
“Give the card back to me!”
“Hey! Hey! Remington, you’ve given it to me, so you can’t take it back!”
“I’ve agreed to help you contact Cecelia, and I’ll definitely make it.” “Maybe she’s busy or has poor reception now so I can’t get through to hér for the moment.
“I’ll immediately tell you when I get through to her.”
Nelson fled into the company when saying this, holding the card. tightly.
Looking at her back, Remington secretly heaved a long sigh.
Chapter 140 Mr. Nelson Is Overwhelmed by Regret
That woman wanted to cut off all relationships with him, right?
Remington was so regretful so when he remembered his attitude toward her when she was still his wife.
He must have made Lilian heartbroken.
Lilian must be very disappointed in him that she left him resolutely.
But no matter what, he must find her. As for some matters, he needed to talk to her face to face.
“Fredric, Winger, call Whitegon and Featheron now. I want all of your to go out to find Cecelia and immediately report to me if you get news about her.”
Fredric thought Remington must be very regretful now.
They took action immediately. However, they received a call from Whitegon at this moment. “Mr. Nelson, bad news!”


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